HomeTop Stories'Death Machines' will be built in Ohio. Blood money is no reason...

‘Death Machines’ will be built in Ohio. Blood money is no reason to celebrate.

‘Blood money’ is no reason to cheer

Re: “Ohio lands drones, 4,000 jobs,” January 16: Hey, wow. 4,000 jobs. $60 an hour. $2 billion in sales. $800 million in tax revenue.

Wait, what are we doing again? Oh yes.

We make death machines for the military-industrial complex that has been consuming our budget since Eisenhower. Drones are used for two reasons: to bomb people and to spy on people in order to bomb them.

This is not something to celebrate or even brag about.

More: Military drone contractor Anduril is planning a factory in Ohio that will employ 4,000 workers

This is, quite simply, blood money, and it is a sin that this state and country encourages and rewards the production and use of these modern, deadly, remote-controlled toys.

Let them make these things themselves. Don’t degrade yourself and your talents to make it easier for the military to continue bombing whoever they consider a threat today.

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Set an example for your children. They are the ones who will have to continue to exist on this planet long after you are gone. What kind of world do you want to leave for them?

Before you join the devil, ask yourself: What am I going to tell my maker when the time comes? You helped create and perpetuate war and suffering. I doubt she’ll bake you a cake. Evolve from darkness to light.

Daniel Shramo, Upper Arlington

Kathy Stephens (left), mother of Anduril co-founder Trae Stephens, talks with Ohio First Lady Fran DeWine, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted as U.S. defense contractor Anduril held an event to announce an investment of $1 billion on a factory in Pickaway County that will employ 4,000 workers making military drones.

Kathy Stephens (fourth from left), the mother of Anduril co-founder Trae Stephens, poses with Ohio First Lady Fran DeWine, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted and her son Trae as U.S. defense contractor Anduril holds an event held to announce a $1 billion investment in a factory in Pickaway County that will employ 4,000 workers making military drones.

Kathy Stephens (fourth from left), the mother of Anduril co-founder Trae Stephens, poses with Ohio First Lady Fran DeWine, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted and her son Trae as U.S. defense contractor Anduril holds an event held to announce a $1 billion investment in a factory in Pickaway County that will employ 4,000 workers making military drones.

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Anduril to build drones in Ohio. There is no reason to celebrate | Opinion

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