Home Politics Harris focuses on Pennsylvania as Trump fumbles in the West

Harris focuses on Pennsylvania as Trump fumbles in the West

Harris focuses on Pennsylvania as Trump fumbles in the West

Former President Donald Trump will campaign in the western states on Friday, while his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, focuses her attention on the eastern state of Pennsylvania, where the outcome is still uncertain.

Trump will hold a press conference tomorrow morning at his Los Angeles golf club, before heading to Northern California for a fundraiser, followed by a rally in Las Vegas, the largest city in the swing state of Nevada.

Harris, meanwhile, heads to Johnstown and Wilkes-Barre on Friday, looking to capitalize on her momentum after Tuesday night’s debate. It’s her second day of back-to-back rallies after holding two events in North Carolina, another swing state, on Thursday.

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Here’s the latest news:

Former drilling opponent Harris now says she supports it. ‘Sprint to the center’ or climate betrayal?

WASHINGTON — While touting her efforts to boost clean energy, Vice President Kamala Harris said in Tuesday’s debate that the Biden-Harris administration has overseen “the largest increase in domestic oil production in history because of an approach that recognizes that we cannot be overly dependent on foreign oil.”

The comment from Harris, a climate hawk who long backed the original Green New Deal, surprised supporters and opponents alike. It clashed with frequent boasts from Harris and President Joe Biden that they are champions in the fight to slow global warming.

After former President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, the Biden-Harris administration rejoined the global pact aimed at reducing emissions. The administration also set a goal to cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 and moved to accelerate renewable energy projects and transition away from fossil fuels.

▶ Read more here.

Trump says he wants to abolish overtime tax

Trump said Thursday in Arizona that he would eliminate taxes on overtime as president, his latest appeal to the working-class voters he is counting on to return him to the White House. Trump has also pledged to eliminate taxes on tips and Social Security wages.

The proposals would take a big bite out of federal revenues and increase the budget deficit unless significant cuts are made.

“It’s time for the working man and woman to finally take a break,” Trump said. Harris has announced her own proposal to end the tax on tips.

Read more about Trump’s plan to eliminate the tip tax here.



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