HomeTop Stories75 years of German constitution, republic celebrated in Berlin

75 years of German constitution, republic celebrated in Berlin

Germany plans to celebrate the entry into force of its constitution, the Basic Law, and the founding of the modern federal republic 75 years ago on Thursday with an official state ceremony in the heart of Berlin’s government district.

The Basic Law came into effect on May 23, 1949, also the date of the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Peaceful Revolution in the former East Germany, which is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year, will also be commemorated on Thursday. It eventually led to the Basic Law, which initially only applied to West Germany, becoming the constitution for all of Germany.

German president Frank Walter Steinmeierwho ordered the state ceremony, plans to deliver the main speech between the Reichstag building, which houses the lower house, the Bundestag and the Chancellery.

“This Basic Law is the basis for ensuring that freedom, democracy and justice determine coexistence in our state,” Steinmeier wrote on his website. According to him, the Constitution has proven stable and adaptable over the past 75 years and has overcome numerous crises and challenges.

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The ceremony is expected to be attended by the heads of the five constitutional bodies: in addition to the president, these are the President of the Bundestag, Bärbel Bas, the Speaker of the Upper House of the Bundesrat, Manuela Schwesig, and the President of the Federal Constitutional Court , Stephen. Harbarth, as well as Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

The ceremony will be preceded by an ecumenical service in which different religions participate in Berlin’s St. Mary’s Church.

After Thursday’s official ceremony, citizens will also have the opportunity to celebrate their constitution at a Democracy Festival in Berlin’s government district from Friday to Sunday, and on Saturday in Bonn’s old government district, where Steinmeier plans to have his official residence for open to the public. , the Villa Hammerschmidt.

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