HomeTop StoriesPiqua sex offender convicted of 30 new crimes involving child sex material

Piqua sex offender convicted of 30 new crimes involving child sex material

June 2 – TROY – A registered sex offender convicted of 30 felonies for pandering to sexually explicit conduct involving a minor was sentenced May 30 to a mandatory minimum prison sentence of seven years and a maximum of 10.5 years in prison. Miami County Common Pleas Court.

Keeshawn Satterwhite, 29, of Piqua, was charged with possession of child pornography for allegedly knowingly having several videos on his cell phone and a tablet depicting young children performing sexual acts.

Police were alerted to possible illegal activity through the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, Piqua police said. Their investigation led police to where Satterwhite lived. He later pleaded guilty to all charges.

Satterwhite was already a registered sex offender in the county. Court records show the requirement was imposed by the provincial juvenile court.

Judge Jeannine Pratt sentenced Satterwhite to seven to 10.5 years in prison. He was given credit for 128 days he had already spent in jail. He was designated a Level III sex offender, which, when released from prison, will require him to register his address with the sheriff’s office in the county where he lives for the rest of his life.

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