HomeTop StoriesElection fears stoked at Bay Area debate viewing parties

Election fears stoked at Bay Area debate viewing parties

OAKLAND — East Bay residents filled an Oakland coffeehouse to watch the two candidates in the presidential debate Thursday night. Many said it was a difficult debate to get through and left with concerns about the candidacy of Pres. Biden for a second term.

Andrew Sigal was one of many who visited the Awaken Cafe in downtown Oakland for the debate watch party. Unlike others, he left shortly after the first commercial break.

“I’m devastated,” Sigal said. “I really feel like President Biden is not delivering and not demonstrating that he is the smart, competent person that I think he is.”

Sigal worries that President Biden’s performance could push undecided voters against showing up on Election Day or casting their ballots for Mr. Trump.

“I think it’s devastating for the campaign,” Sigal said. “I don’t know how the campaign is going to recover from the way he behaved tonight.”

Based strictly on performance, Trump supporters felt this was the debate the former president needed.

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“Trump dominated the conversation on every level and on the other hand just seemed extremely geriatric,” said William, a Trump supporter.

Biden supporters say that even though the president often loses the thread and makes frequent verbal blunders, the debate will not change their voting behavior.

“I don’t think this is what our country deserves, but I would definitely vote for Biden because he’s done his best to do what’s right for the country and Trump is Trump and he was full of lies,” Heather McMillan said from Oakland.

“This election is a choice between ‘you have to go somewhere and a few vehicles stop,’” said Cortt Dunlap, owner of Awaken Cafe. “One is a Model T and the other is the electric chair and I think the choice is clear. He may not be as sharp as he once was, but I believe he believes in democracy.”

Mr. Biden’s performance sounded alarms for many Democrats concerned about the president’s age and ability to serve another term.

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“I think Democrats are going to have an interesting conversation at the convention where they’re going to decide whether there’s a path back for President Biden, or whether they need another nominee,” Sigal said.

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Many Bay Area residents seemed tired of the division and chose not to watch the debate. South Bay resident Ruth Keizer was one of them.

“It’s my birthday and I refuse to watch that on my birthday,” Keiser said. When asked about the possibility of a third option, she shook her head. “Not at this moment. If we had had a different choice a year and a half ago or a year ago, but not now.”

Bob Bellicity also chose not to watch the debate. “I think it’s just going to be an afterthought. I really don’t want to hear what the candidates have to say and I wish we had a third candidate to choose from. It’s a shame we don’t, but it’s a bit where we are in politics in this country, unfortunately!”

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Sherry McNamara of Los Gatos echoed these frustrations.

“I’m too worried about how chaotic this scene would be and both candidates would look terrible. They already looked terrible in a lot of ways, so I don’t want to watch it. I’ll read about it later,” she said.

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