HomeTop StoriesUnrelated image circulates in Kenya amid military crackdown on tax protests

Unrelated image circulates in Kenya amid military crackdown on tax protests

<span>A screenshot of the fake X-post, taken on June 28, 2024</span>” data-src=”https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/XKKSOo.L_rWGoWuA6aS2pA–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTExMDI-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/afp_factcheck_us_713/289e374dc3ef05bcd10495bff9eff6c0″/></p>
<div class=
A screenshot of the fake X-post, taken on June 28, 2024

In this case, Generation Z refers to the young Kenyans who led the protests against the 2024 Budget Bill (archived here).

The post contains an image of soldiers in uniform standing on top of and next to a tank, surrounded by a large crowd.

Users shared the image along with the same claim in other posts, with one Swahili-language post being shared 9,800 times.

The photo emerged after largely peaceful demonstrations in Kenya against a bill with controversial tax hikes turned violent, with Kenya’s parliamentary complex ransacked. Rights groups said at least 30 people were killed, while authorities put the death toll at 19 (archived here and here ).

Police were filmed firing live ammunition at protesters, and AFP journalists saw three bodies outside the country’s parliament building (archived here).

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As a result of the violence, the Kenyan government led by President Willem Ruto KDF troops in Nairobi (archived here).

But the images circulating online are not from the recent demonstrations in Kenya.

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Zimbabwe, not Kenya

Using a reverse image search, AFP Fact Check found that the photo was taken in Zimbabwe during the 2017 coup to oust the president. Robert Mugabewho ruled the country for almost 40 years (archived here).

The image was widely published in media reports about the coup in the country (archived here, here and here).

<span>Screenshots of Zimbabwean media reports from 2017, taken on June 27, 2024</span>” data-src=”https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/pnZw4kiWfA6JqiKWrBm9kA–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTM2Mg–/https://media.zenfs.com/en/afp_factcheck_us_713/8a9e3a4476138c04407581f8f7f5ce88″/><span><knop klasse=

Screenshots of Zimbabwean media reports from 2017, taken on June 27, 2024

AFP found the same photo on the image and video hosting service Flickr with the caption “Zimbabwe tells Robert Mugabe to go! Solidarity march,” posted on November 18, 2017, with no credit given to a photographer (archived here).

<span> A screenshot of a Flickr photo taken on June 27, 2024 </span>” data-src=”https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/agGCzSfHjsv.XN_K7IfAJA–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTYwMg–/https://media.zenfs.com/en/afp_factcheck_us_713/1d4177e037899e3aaee0930e19c9bc43″/><span><knop klasse=

A screenshot of a Flickr photo taken on June 27, 2024

AFP and the Associated Press reported on the coup and published similar images of Zimbabwean soldiers in tanks interacting with civilians.

<span>Screenshot from AFP photo archives (left) and AP photo</span>” data-src=”https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/CDQGFP_uNVFHJ.hwjbkmnA–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTMwNw–/https://media.zenfs.com/en/afp_factcheck_us_713/f36e997005fcf48c151d46679e2c3e06″/><span><knop klasse=

Screenshot from AFP photo archives (left) and AP photo

Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets after the military seized power and placed Mugabe under house arrest in response to his dismissal of then-Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, according to AFP (archived here).

‘Security Emergency’

While this image is misleading, AFP captured photos of protesters with KDF soldiers during the 2024 demonstrations in Nairobi’s Central Business District, the city’s economic and commercial hub (archived here).

<span>Screenshot from AFP photo archives showing protesters and KDF soldiers in 2024</span></p>
<div><span>Tony KARUMBA</span><span>AFP</span></div>
<p>” data-src=”https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/EgQouCtptKXGR2xBLUfFfg–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTM0Mw–/https://media.zenfs.com/en/afp_factcheck_us_713/b3df40eba19f0460f40680a5c6a50bd6″/><span><knop klasse=
Screenshot from AFP photo archives showing protesters and KDF soldiers in 2024


The military’s deployment was “in response to the security emergency” in Kenya, Defence Minister Aden Duale said in a statement.

After the protests, Ruto said he would withdraw the finance law, adding: “The people have spoken.”

Even after this dramatic turnaround, small groups of protesters continued to take to the streets to demand the Kenyan leader be ousted (archived here).

AFP has debunked other false claims about Kenya’s anti-tax protests. You can read more here.

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