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47-Year-Old ‘Unmotivated’ Multimillionaire Doctor Asks Dave Ramsey: Retire Now or Work Another 13 Years to Get a Pension and Free Healthcare?

Renee from San Jose recently called into The Dave Ramsey Show to ask for advice on a dilemma many people can relate to: finding the motivation to continue working in a career she loves but that’s becoming increasingly overwhelming.

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At 47, Renee is a successful gynecologist with an impressive financial portfolio: more than $3.7 million in retirement and investment accounts, three paid-off homes, a $200,000 salary, and no debt. But despite her financial security, she struggles to see a path forward that keeps her passionate about life and work.

If she sticks it out and works until she’s 60, Renee explains that she’ll get her pension at 60 instead of waiting until she’s 65. She’ll also get free health care for the rest of her life, so she’s considering working the extra 13 years.

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Renee told Dave Ramsey that she loves her job, especially the privilege of seeing patients and delivering babies. However, the demands of her job, especially in the post-COVID landscape, are taking their toll. “Work is overwhelming these days… I always work more than my paid hours,” she admitted. Renee has a dream outside of medicine: to attend a music school, where she could pursue her passion for playing the piano and violin.

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Dave’s answer was clear: “You don’t have to be motivated to work another 13 years if you love everything about it. What don’t you love about it?” He encouraged Renee to focus on what brings her joy instead of getting bogged down in the demanding aspects of her job.

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Dr. John Delony, also on the show, offered some important advice: “You don’t need motivation; you need a mission.” He suggested that Renee may be struggling with a sense of missed opportunity. The thought of not pursuing her musical dreams while she still could weighs on her. Delony asked if guilt or shame was holding her back. Renee didn’t call it guilt, but acknowledged a fear of missed opportunities. “If I get arthritis or lose my hearing in the next 13 years, will I regret not taking the chance?” she mused.

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Dave and John advised Renee to rethink her practice to make room for her musical pursuits. “Cut your practice in half,” Dave suggested, noting that Renee could afford to scale back without jeopardizing her financial stability. He emphasized the importance of balance: “You’re getting too much joy and satisfaction out of your medical career … but it’s eating away at what you want to do.”

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John echoed this sentiment, advising her that the decision to cut back her hours doesn’t have to be permanent. “Guess what, there’s always going to be more babies,” he noted, encouraging her to find a balance that allows her to explore her passion for music without completely stepping away from a career she loves.

Renee’s story reminds us that sometimes the path forward isn’t about choosing between two loves, but finding a way to make room for both. By reducing her workload and pursuing her musical dreams, Renee is able to create a life that fulfills her professionally, financially, and personally. As Dave put it, “The only reason I wouldn’t quit completely is because I also think you’re going to regret it, because I think you get a certain level of joy out of this.”

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This advice is valuable for anyone struggling to balance a demanding career with other passions in life. Consulting with a trusted financial advisor can provide clarity and options tailored to your unique circumstances. It’s not just about the numbers – it’s about creating a life that brings fulfillment and purpose, no matter how many years are left on the clock.

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This article 47-Year-Old ‘Unmotivated’ Multimillionaire Doctor Asks Dave Ramsey – Retire Now or Work Another 13 Years to Get a Pension and Free Healthcare? originally appeared on Benzinga.com

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