HomePoliticsBiden should not focus on his successes in the White House during...

Biden should not focus on his successes in the White House during the debate because no one cares, advisers say

  • Biden should spend his debate time attacking Trump‘s economic policies, sources told CNN.

  • Top Democratic sources told CNN that voters simply don’t care Biden has accomplished.

  • Polls show that more and more Americans trust Trump on the economy and inflation – the biggest issues for voters.

Joe Biden’s advisers say he should spend more time in the debate attacking Donald Trump than focusing on his own successes in the White House, according to a CNN report.

Several top Democrats, speaking on condition of anonymity, told CNN they have urged Biden’s camp to take an offensive approach in Thursday’s debate. They have advised Biden to focus on criticizing Trump’s economic policies and close relationship with corporate America, four sources close to the president told the newspaper.

The Biden campaign did not immediately respond to BI’s request for comment.

Biden shouldn’t talk so much about what he accomplished during his time in office because voters don’t really care, the sources told CNN.

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“He wants the credit, but it’s not working,” one of the top Democratic sources told CNN. “He has to stop.”

Ron KlainBiden’s former chief of staff and longtime aide has also said the president spends too much time discussing the improvements he has made to infrastructure.

“I think the president talks too much about bridges,” Klain said in April. “I think it’s a fool’s errand.”

Klain added that Biden should focus on issues people really care about, like the cost of groceries, because bridges just aren’t cutting it.

According to an ABC News/Ipsos poll in May, more than 80% of Americans named the economy and inflation as the two most important issues that will determine who they vote for in November. And more Americans trust Trump over Biden on these issues — 46% trust Trump on the economy, while 32% trust Biden, and 44% trust Trump on inflation, while 30% trust Biden, according to the poll.

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The Biden campaign has stepped up its attacks on Trump since the former president’s conviction last month. Just last week, the president’s campaign announced a $50 million ad blitz, including a searing TV ad highlighting Trump’s “criminal” character.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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