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Can California borrow $20 billion for climate and education? Voters will likely decide

California voters will likely decide whether to let the state borrow $20 billion to fight climate change and support schools. Advocates say these issues need additional funding because of recent budget cuts.

State lawmakers said Sunday they have reached agreements to post both a $10 billion bond to pay for climate change impacts and another $10 billion bond for school repairs.

Voter approval for loans is never certain, even in presidential elections, when turnout is high and the electorate is more progressive. For example, in 2020, voters rejected a $15 billion school facilities bond.

The agreements are the result of months of negotiations between lawmakers and climate and education activists, who pushed for bonds after the extent of California’s dire budget situation became clear.

Sen. Ben Allen, D-Santa Monica, said the climate bond will give voters the chance to support “necessary investments to protect our communities” and preserve natural resources.

“We are already seeing the devastating effects of climate change: more extreme heat waves, catastrophic fires and floods, coastal erosion and severe droughts,” he said in a written statement. “Every part of our state is being affected, and if we don’t take action now, the costs of addressing these impacts will continue to grow.”

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Two years ago, Governor Gavin Newsom and lawmakers approved a $54.3 billion spending package to combat climate change. After two budget cycles, that commitment has been cut by more than $9 billion.

If approved by the Legislature and Newsom, the bond measure would include $3.8 billion for drinking water and groundwater improvements, $1.5 billion for forestry and wildfire programs and $1.2 billion to address rising sea levels.

Other issues requiring millions in funding include extreme heat mitigation, biodiversity and public access to outdoor spaces. The bond also stipulates that at least 40% of the bond must help vulnerable and disadvantaged communities.

Climate advocates say this may all sound expensive, but the costs of delaying these programs are likely to be much higher.

“If we take this problem seriously, we cannot afford to go through these cycles of boom and bust,” said David Weiskopf, senior policy adviser at NextGen California, one of dozens of organizations that have pushed for a bond. “We need to find a better way to spend money on the climate than just hoping for another surplus.”

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The school bond, in turn, would pay for repairs to school facilities, with $8.5 million earmarked for new construction and modernization of K-12 schools and $1.5 billion for community colleges. School districts with less ability to raise local funds could receive a higher percentage of the funds.

The funding could be used for infrastructure that helps schools adapt to extreme heat, build new facilities such as gymnasiums and school kitchens, and repair buildings that are 75 years old or older.

“Safe and healthy schools are at stake with this measure. There are six million reasons to support this proposal to ensure that every public school student has equal access and opportunity to grow and thrive,” said Sen. Steven Glazer, D-Contra Costa, in a written statement. “The children and school districts that need the most help will especially benefit from this facilities bond.”

The bonds each require a two-thirds vote of both houses to reach the November ballot and need a simple majority of voters to pass.

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