HomeTop StoriesDonald Trump makes a rare visit to San Francisco for a fundraiser...

Donald Trump makes a rare visit to San Francisco for a fundraiser for major donors

SAN FRANCISCO — Former President Donald Trump made a rare visit to the San Francisco Bay Area Thursday for a major fundraising event. He was greeted by supporters and detractors as he made his way to the city’s Pacific Heights neighborhood.

The fundraiser took place at the home of venture capitalist David Sacks. Some couples paid half a million dollars to enter.

It was on the streets, however, where some of the liveliest confrontations took place. Just an hour before Mr. Trump’s arrival, some Trump supporters and opponents got into heated clashes over issues such as abortion. For supporters, this was a chance to see their candidate make a rare visit to San Francisco.

Max Bonilla wanted to be part of this moment.

“We don’t see this in California,” Bonilla said. “I know people in California try to stereotype California and make it seem like it’s all blue, but I don’t think that’s necessarily the case. I think there are rural conservative red parts where people come from. Maybe even mothers and fathers from the suburbs who come to a city like San Francisco when a man they love hardly comes around.”

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Some who live in Pacific Heights, like Armand Domalesky, felt the need to take a stand.

“I live five minutes away and when I heard that Trump – who hates reproductive rights, hates freedom and hates America – was going to be in my neighborhood, I had to show up and show that he does not represent our values. Domalewsky said.

There was a police presence in the area of ​​Pacific Heights known as Billionaires Row. Only residents and attendees were allowed to enter the barricades. One attendee who did not want to be identified said she was impressed by the former president. “I think he’s incredibly witty and quick and warm and personable and authentic,” she said.

For her, hearing him speak about the issues was worth it to help her decide who to vote for in November.

“I wanted to have a first-hand experience to make a decision,” she added. “To better understand the situation.”

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This fundraising campaign is expected to raise more than $12 million. Mr. Trump continues his West Coast campaign in Los Angeles tomorrow.

Hours before his arrival, Trump supporters gathered in the city for a rally at San Francisco’s Marina Green, after joining caravans in Redwood City and Oakland. Those traveling through parts of San Francisco may have been surprised to see people waving Trump flags and signs in the streets.

The presumptive Republican nominee for president landed at SFO shortly after 6 p.m. Trump and his entourage piled into a fleet of black SUVs to drive into San Francisco.

CHP briefly closed I-280 northbound to allow vehicles to move quickly into the city.

Strong winds grounded the giant inflatable chicken that greeted Trump on previous visits.

Counter-protesters planned to put the 10-meter-high chicken with a golden hairstyle on the bay but high winds forced him to land back in a car park in Marina Green.

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