HomeTop StoriesDozens of people die in the extreme heat of the hajj, but...

Dozens of people die in the extreme heat of the hajj, but there are fears the toll could reach hundreds

Dozens of Muslims have died this year during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, due to heat-related medical problems and scorching temperatures, according to figures released by several countries.

Tunisia’s state news agency TAP reported on Wednesday that at least 35 Tunisian pilgrims had been killed, while Iran’s semi-official Tasnim agency said 11 Iranian citizens were also among the dead. Senegal confirmed that three of its citizens had been killed.

Jordan’s Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that 41 Jordanian pilgrims had lost their lives, putting the total death toll at at least 90.

It is feared that the number is much higher. Unconfirmed reports circulating on Wednesday said hundreds of Egyptians had been killed. But neither Egyptian officials nor Egyptian state media have commented.

Saudi Arabia has also not provided any figures.

Muslims from all over the world began the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia on Friday. Saudi Arabia expected about 2 million people.

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The temperature in Mecca and other holy places in the area hovered around 50 degrees Celsius until the last day of pilgrimage on Tuesday.

Authorities urged participants to bring umbrellas, not to go outside during the particularly hot afternoon hours and to drink plenty of water.

The Hajj, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, is an obligatory obligation that all Muslims must make once in their lives – if they are physically able to undertake the journey to the Prophet Muhammad’s birthplace and have the financial resources .

Men wear seamless white clothing and women wear loose garments as they perform the same rituals in a demonstration of religious unity, equality and the pursuit of spiritual renewal.

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