Home Top Stories Drunk driver crashes into three Clinton homes, causing gas leak

Drunk driver crashes into three Clinton homes, causing gas leak

Drunk driver crashes into three Clinton homes, causing gas leak

Several Clinton residents are picking up the pieces after police say a drunk driver crashed into three homes on Main St., causing a gas leak and knocking out power Sunday morning.

Joann Schumacher got out of bed just before 7 a.m. when she heard the commotion and looked outside to see her porch gone.

The Ford Explorer had taken out a nearby utility pole, demolished the front steps and continued to drive into neighbor Codie Whelan’s home, where the vehicle tore off her entire porch and destroyed the gas meter.

“It was just a mess. I mean, it’s not a pleasant way to wake up in the morning,” Schumacher said, describing the loud hissing sound from the ruptured gas line. “They were evacuating people, and they ended up moving us all down [the street], and of course we were all concerned about our pets. We didn’t know if it was going to explode.”

Schumacher called Whalen, who was staying with her family in Gardner at her cousin’s house for Memorial Day weekend.

“I had to run all the way up the hill in stocking feet to see my dogs standing at the window so scared,” Whalen said through tears. “We are very grateful that we were not at home. We are also extremely grateful and blessed that no one was injured.”

With no gas or electricity, Whalen said the house she rented was considered unlivable, and the Red Cross provided her family with a hotel room.

She hopes the building inspector will find no structural damage and allow her to return with her two sons – a six-year-old who is medically complex and a fourteen-year-old who has autism.

“We’re going through a lot right now, and my kids – this is their home,” Whalen said.

After Whalen’s home, the driver crashed into a third house and a parked car before finally stopping.

Police say the 22-year-old man, who they did not identify, fought with officers before being arrested and charged with operating under the influence, speeding, operating without a license, destruction of property, resisting arrest and assault and battery a police officer.

“He sat there and tried to get away three times,” Schumacher said of the driver. “They tackled him and finally handcuffed him on the third try.”

While residents say the driver’s actions are inexcusable, Whalen hopes he gets the help he needs.

“We hope the 22-year-old who did this is at least healthy,” Whalen said. “And obviously a mistake is a mistake – he was 22, everyone makes mistakes – but this one caused a lot for my family.”

Clinton police say the investigation is ongoing and more charges are possible.

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