HomeTop StoriesEast Bay teen accepted by 122 colleges sets her sights on a...

East Bay teen accepted by 122 colleges sets her sights on a singing career

OAKLAND — It would take a large suitcase filled to the brim to contain all the acceptance letters Oakland’s Helms Ategeka has received from colleges across the country.

“These are acceptance letters or financial aid packages. Sometimes there are boxes like these with T-shirts or accessories that the schools have sent,” Helms said.

As of last fall, he sent 150 applications to colleges. It wasn’t long before he started hearing something back.

It became an avalanche of acceptance: big universities, small colleges. From far and wide, almost everyone he applied to wanted him.

“So far I have been accepted to 122 schools and some schools are still undecided,” Helms said.

Helms’ father says new acceptance letters still arrive in the mail almost every day.

“Every day was a day full of surprise and joy,” said Chris Ategeka.

And it’s not just acceptance letters: offers for scholarships and potential grants have also arrived.

“Sometimes you get something like this that says yes,” Helms said, holding up a large envelope.

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Helms was born in Uganda and lived there until just before high school. He has a 3.94 GPA, several extracurricular activities and one true passion: singing.

Helms is a member of the Pacific Boychoir Academy in Oakland and wants to pursue music as a career.

His goal is to one day become a pop star. But that created some internal pressure and a little bit of conflict at home.

“Where we come from, those career paths are praised: be a doctor, be an engineer. Be something stable that can give you money,” Helms said.

It was not easy to convince his parents. Chris is an engineer turned entrepreneur and admits he wanted that for Helms too.

‘I realized that the things I’m projecting on him – becoming an engineer, an astronaut or a doctor – are not the things he wants to do. I had to get into this space of love, the child you have, not the one you wish you had,” Chris said.

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To prove he was serious about his music career, Helms did his research. Every university he applied to has a strong music program and notable faculty. Out of the 122 students who accepted him, Helms chose the school just down the street.

“Congratulations! UC Berkeley,” Helms said as he read his acceptance letter from the University of California.

Helms will follow in his father’s footsteps as Cal is Chris’ alma mater. But Helms is going to study music.

“What other students can take away from all of this is following your passion,” Helms said.

Helms is leaving for Peru this summer to tour with his singing group. And says he will use his unusual determination to make it in music.

At 18, Helms’ song is just beginning.

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