HomeTop StoriesGaza tests the historic bond between British Muslims and Labour

Gaza tests the historic bond between British Muslims and Labour

Gaza is a long way from the picturesque foothills of the Yorkshire Dales, but the issue could influence the British elections in northern England, with many local Muslims said to be angry at Labour’s position.

While Labor is expected to win an overwhelming national majority on July 4, leader Keir Starmer’s refusal to support an unconditional ceasefire in Gaza has led to divisions among once-loyal Muslim supporters.

That gap could affect the outcome of marginal seats with significant Muslim populations, such as Keighley and Ilkley in Yorkshire.

Around four in five British Muslims voted Labor in 2019, strengthening the historic ties created following the mass migration of workers from Pakistan in the 1950s and 1960s.

But recent polls have suggested that around one in five of these voters are at risk of defecting, further weakening the country’s traditional voting blocs.

“It is certainly an issue… but I am hopeful that as the election campaign progresses I will retain a large proportion of the Muslim vote where it is a particular concern,” Labor candidate John Grogan said at his campaign office in Keighley, surrounded by boxes of “Vote Labor” posters and flyers.

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“Here in Keighley the mosques take a neutral position. In some towns in the north of England the mosques say: ‘don’t vote for one of the main parties’,” he told AFP.

A robust doorstep debate on the campaign trail revealed the depth of feeling, with Grogan insisting to a local resident that Labor in power would “respect the power of the international court” and recognize a Palestinian state.

He also emphasized his vote against the Iraq war when he was an MP in 2003.

“However, Keir Starmer will be your leader. What Keir Starmer says is what you follow,” said the skeptical voter, who wished to remain anonymous, from his front door.

“The only one speaking at the moment is George Galloway,” he added, referring to the veteran politician who recently became an MP in a similar seat by addressing the issue.

“Well, he’s not going to get things done, mate,” Grogan replied. “I want to be in parliament on the day that Britain, France and Germany recognize a Palestinian state. We are committed to doing that.”

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While some in the Muslim community lost support, others pledged their support to Grogan as he walked the streets campaigning, aided by a Bangladeshi cricket team.

– ‘Very, very angry’ –

The Conservatives could theoretically retain the seat if enough voters abandon Labor for other candidates, such as independent Vasim Shabir, who has made Gaza the centerpiece of his campaign.

“Gaza has energized many people who were politically apathetic or politically asleep,” Shabir told AFP outside a city center kebab shop where his campaign flag flew.

“We want to be disruptors. I want to change the election,” he added, explaining that his aim was to prevent a Labor victory.

Lawyer Shaid Iqbal, a leading figure in the city’s Muslim community, said people were “very angry”.

“They are angry at both parties. But the fact is, Labour, more, because they thought Labor was a party that stood up for human rights and spoke out against atrocities,” he added.

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“They have failed the public.”

Labor strategists said the issue lost them votes in England’s local elections in May, but such is the disillusionment among the governing Conservatives that the party is still expected to win in Keighley and Ilkley.

However, Shabir said demographic divisions within the Muslim community meant Labour’s relief could be temporary.

“The older generation, who don’t have access to TikTok and social media, are still pretty much loyal to Labour,” he said.

‘The younger generation, the British-born Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in this constituency, overwhelmingly do not want to vote Labour.

“I think they will lose the vote for another generation,” he said, adding that there were “a lot of discussions going on” among independent candidates about forming a new party.


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