HomeTop StoriesHarvard students are accusing the university of violating their agreement by putting...

Harvard students are accusing the university of violating their agreement by putting dozens of people on probation

CAMBRIDGE — Harvard students took action Sunday, accusing the university of violating their agreement by putting dozens of protesters on probation, preventing some from graduating.

Shouting proudly, pro-Palestinian supporters gathered at the entrance to Harvard Yard. The meeting was led by Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine, or HOOP.

Students indicate that they cannot graduate

The meeting was intended to support Harvard students involved in the pro-Palestinian encampment. They said they can’t graduate now. During the meeting, protesters read a letter from Harvard students, who remained anonymous.

“I am not allowed to walk with a diploma in hand because I consistently and proudly stand up for veritas,” the protester read. “Veritas” is Latin for truth and is also Harvard’s motto.

Harvard students brought down to their encampment last week and said the school agreed to rescind the suspension notices issued. Harvard said this is not correct and that discipline and suspensions are up to the individual schools.

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‘It is my right to get my diploma’

Hanan Wuhush is a Palestinian graduate student at Harvard. She said she would participate in the start, but the training itself has little value at this point.

“It’s my right to get my degree, I’m a student here, I paid crazy tuition, all that stuff,” Wuhush said. “The diploma doesn’t matter, it’s about the person.”

From Harvard Yard, the group marched a few blocks to Hawthorne Street to the residence of interim President Alan Garber and then to Cambridge Common.

“These students have been advocates, they have been at the forefront of demanding the university be divested and they have been advocates for justice and we see what happens when students do that at this university,” Wuhush said.

Cambridge police said there were no arrests.

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