Home Top Stories Hospital surprises heart transplant patient with high school graduation ceremony

Hospital surprises heart transplant patient with high school graduation ceremony

Hospital surprises heart transplant patient with high school graduation ceremony

It wasn’t the walk that high school student Joseph Bommarito Autman had planned, but when he heard his name, he felt a sense of victory in the fields of education and health care.

“I didn’t even expect it,” Autman said. “They woke me up and said, ‘Put your cap and gown on.'”

Since birth, Autman has struggled with a heart condition called congestive heart failure. It is a serious condition in which the heart does not pump blood as well as it should, causing the blood to return to the heart faster than it can be removed.

“The congestive heart failure, which only affected half a heart, caused many problems for Joseph,” says mother Sjana Autman. “Learning difficult, writing problems.”

The 18-year-old underwent four heart surgeries before his fourth birthday and ended up in foster care at the age of 6. Autman eventually found a loving family with parents who are very proud of him.

“When I got on the transplant list, they said it could be years, decades before I got new hearts,” he said. “It took me a few months and here I am with a new heart.”

His pediatric cardiologist, Dr. Natalie Shwaish, said the heart came from a generous donor.

In the room, wearing masks, his family, hospital heroes and friends celebrated his graduation as his teacher presented him with his diploma.

“I couldn’t have done this alone,” Autman said. “I don’t think anyone could have done this. It’s the culmination of many people’s efforts… This has given me a second wind, not so much a second chance, but a second wind. Now I’m getting a second wind. new drive and new passion.”

Autman will be hospitalized for a few weeks, but plans to attend college.



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