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If you need $1.46 million to retire today, what will it take in twenty years?

If you need $1.46 million to retire today, what will it take in twenty years?

A comfortable pension is becoming increasingly expensive.

According to a study by Northwestern Mutual, Americans currently estimate that they need about $1.46 million to retire comfortably. This figure has escalated sharply, representing a 15% increase from last year’s estimate of $1.27 million and a significant 53% increase from the $951,000 estimated in 2019 before the pandemic.

As these pension estimates continue to exceed current inflation rates, which remain between 2% and 3%, this raises a critical question: how will future needs change?

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If the trend of rising retirement estimates continues at the same pace as the past few years, it is expected that in twenty years, Americans will need about $2.39 million to secure a comfortable retirement. This projection is based on a steady increase in the perceived ‘magic number’ for pensions, driven by persistent inflation and evolving economic conditions.

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However, financial experts caution against relying solely on the perceived numbers that people think they “need” and recommend a more tailored approach to retirement planning.

For example, a generally accepted guideline is to aim for savings of twelve times your annual income before retirement. Considering this, someone looking to replace an annual income of $80,000 would typically need around $960,000. But since salaries are expected to rise due to inflation, the current salary of $80,000 could grow to an estimated $131,089 in 20 years.

If the same 12-fold guideline is applied under these new circumstances, the future retirement target would be approximately $1,573,068. This amount is still $819,312 less than the $2.39 million that may be needed, indicating a substantial shortfall.

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The gap between what people think they need for retirement and what they have saved – an average of $88,400 across demographics – illustrates the growing challenge of achieving future financial goals. This widening disparity highlights the importance of strategic financial planning and potentially reevaluating both lifestyle choices and retirement timing.

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Although current estimates indicate an increasing need for retirement savings, accurately predicting future financial conditions carries inherent uncertainty. No one can fully anticipate the economic shifts, inflation rates or other challenges that await us.

The rising pension costs are undeniable. Whether you agree with the target amount or have another goal in mind, consulting a financial advisor is critical. Their expertise can guide you in creating a personalized strategy that fits your unique income, expenses, risk tolerance and long-term goals, ultimately helping you achieve a safe and comfortable retirement.

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*This information is not financial advice and personal guidance from a financial advisor is recommended to make informed decisions.

Jeannine Mancini has written about personal finance and investing for the past thirteen years in various publications, including Zacks, The Nest, and eHow. She is not a qualified financial advisor and the contents of this document are for informational purposes only and do not and do not constitute investment advice or any investment service. Although Mancini believes that the information contained herein is reliable and from reliable sources, no representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information.

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This article If you need $1.46 million to retire today, what will it take in 20 years? originally appeared on Benzinga.com

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