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Improper storage of raw meat and dripping fat. Georgetown’s Worst Restaurant Inspection

Improper storage of raw meat and dripping fat.  Georgetown’s Worst Restaurant Inspection

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control routinely inspects restaurants in Horry County and Georgetown County, with inspections ongoing as of June 26, 2024.

This Georgetown restaurant received the worst score during the recent round of inspections. Despite receiving a score of 85 percent, SCDHEC gave Morning Time Breakfast & Brunch at 2525 Dunbar Road in Georgetown a C grade during its June 18, 2024 inspection.

SCDHEC discovered that the diner’s sink had been removed from the kitchen. SCDHEC’s inspection also found an open package of bologna on top of an open package of raw sausage.

SCDHEC’s report also found that grease and liquid were flowing from a grease trap onto the ground and that a wall and wooden plank were in poor condition.

Despite initially posting a C grade, SCDHEC re-inspected Morning Time on June 24, 2024, and the eatery received a grade of 91 percent and an A grade.



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