HomeTop StoriesJill Biden responds to Hunter Biden's conviction

Jill Biden responds to Hunter Biden’s conviction

PHOENIX – First lady Jill Biden discussed Hunter Biden‘s trial with NBC News on Saturday during a campaign shift, marking the first time she commented on his sentencing after he was found guilty of three firearm-related crimes.

Biden said the trial was “a tough week for my family”, explaining that they had to “relive the hard times”.

Still, she said she drew inspiration from Hunter Biden’s behavior in recent days.

“I think Hunter was strong after the decision in court, and that’s why I have to follow his lead and just go out there and start fighting again,” the first lady said.

Jill Biden has highlighted recent days of trips to states that could be crucial to her husband’s chance to return to the Oval Office. She has held public events in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Arizona, and on Saturday evening she will head to California for a star-studded fundraiser that the campaign says has already set a record for the Democratic Party.

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Her travel blitz comes after she spent much of the trial in the courtroom, even commuting from France to be in the chamber in Delaware.

After Hunter Biden was convicted, President Joe Biden told reporters he would not pardon his son or commute his sentence.

“Joe and I both respect the justice system, and that’s what it comes down to,” Jill Biden said Saturday.

Hunter Biden’s conviction comes just weeks before his father and former President Donald Trump debate, a crucial event for two presumptive nominees locked in a tight race, polls show.

The first lady dismissed the idea that the president’s performance could be affected by Hunter Biden’s conviction.

“Oh no,” she replied, later adding, “He’s a strong man, and he’s a resilient man, and he’s going to do a great job.”

The president issued a statement emphasizing his love for his son shortly after the jury returned the guilty verdict.

“Jill and I will always be there for Hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support,” he said. “Nothing will ever change that.”

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Hunter Biden does not have a sentencing date yet. He faces a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison, although he is unlikely to receive the maximum sentence as he has no previous convictions.

Mike Memoli reported from Phoenix, Arizona. Megan Lebowitz reported from Cleveland, Ohio.

This article was originally published on NBCNews.com

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