Home Top Stories Madison Township drivers receive one bid for summer road chipping/sealing program

Madison Township drivers receive one bid for summer road chipping/sealing program

Madison Township drivers receive one bid for summer road chipping/sealing program

Madison Township officials fared slightly better when they opened bids Monday for the road’s summer restoration, compared to bids opened July 22 during a special meeting for replacing culverts and paving Sites Road.

The trustees received a bid of $131,044 from Shelly Company of Thornville for summer crushing and sealing work on four miles of asphalt on seven roads in the community.

The list of roads that need to be treated with crushed stone and sealing is as follows:

  • Trimble Road from the end of the curb and gutter at Ohio 39 north to Poth Road

  • Poth Road north to the Mansfield city limits

  • Hanna Road from Trimble east to the city limits

  • Hahn Road from Trimble east to the city limits

  • Ridge Road from Ohio 430 south to Michal Drive

  • Walker Avenue from 430 South to Bonnie Drive

  • Hickory Lane from 39 east to Ford Road.

The work must be completed by September 30th.

The trustees will check the validity of the bid before awarding the contract, likely at a special meeting on Monday.

On that date, administrators are expected to open bids for the Sites Road project. The project involves replacing sewer lines at two locations, repairing and repaving approximately one-third of a mile of Sites Road north of Chew Road, and resurfacing a similar portion of Marianna Drive north of Chew.

After no bids were received for the Sites Road project, the trustees voted unanimously to contact the county engineer for his recommendation on how to proceed and moved forward based on his advice. Board Chairman Tom Craft said the project was re-advertised after the engineer made some minor changes to the bid specifications.

Fire department applies for grant, sells medical unit

Board members also voted Monday to authorize Fire Chief Ken Justus to apply for an Ohio First Responder grant funded through the federal Assistant to Firefighters program to purchase cardiac monitors and CPR equipment. He said the current equipment is eight or nine years old.

During his administrative report, Justus said that the Firelands Electric Cooperative Fund approved an application for a $2,760 grant to purchase three electric vehicle shutdown devices. He also reported that the Medic 73 unit did not sell on GovDeals for the minimum requested $40,000 and was offered to the Shelby Fire Department for a fair market price of $35,000 set by the New Jersey company from which Madison purchased the city’s used ambulances.

According to administrative records, Trustee Dan Fletcher reported that the application for a $75,000 grant from the H2Ohio River Incentive Chloride Reduction Program to cover the cost of replacing the township’s winter salt storage shed was not on a list of projects approved under a second round of funding. Trustees have said for years that the salt storage shed needs to be replaced because its roof leaks and the saltwater could contaminate surface and groundwater.

“We have to move on,” Fletcher told the board about how a new barn would be paid for.

This article originally appeared in the Mansfield News Journal: Madison Township officials open single bid for summer crushing and sealing road work



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