HomeTop StoriesMike Williams, candidate for Wake County School Board District 4, answers our...

Mike Williams, candidate for Wake County School Board District 4, answers our questions

To help inform voters in the November 5, 2024 election, this candidate questionnaire may be republished at no cost by local publications in North Carolina. To help enable this reporting, please consider subscribing to The News & Observer.

Name: Mike Williams

District/seat: Wake County Board of Education, District 4

Political party: Not connected

Age as of November 5, 2024: 52

Campaign website: docmsone.com

Current occupation: Educational consultant

Professional experience: 30 years as a youth lawyer, educator, administrator, advisor and entrepreneur

Education: Ed.D Educational Leadership/Social Justice

Please include any notable government or community involvement: Wake County JCPC; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.; President, Greater Triangle Chapter of the Virginia State University Alumni Association; school board candidate, 2022.

What would be your top priority if elected?

Ensure equitable funding and procurement of resources for schools in the district based on the needs of the students in those schools.

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What specific strategies would you promote to improve the academic performance of Wake County students?

Implementing Multi Tiered Systems and Supports (MTSS) principles with fidelity across the board; engaging more community partners to help provide remedial and supplemental activities for students; bringing in additional reading, math, and behavior specialists to fill the gaps that exist in students’ proficiency and achievement levels; reducing class sizes to allow more opportunities for interaction and intervention between teacher and student.

How should Wake County respond to the Biden administration’s new Title IX rules regarding transgender students?

Accepting federal funding requires compliance with their regulations and guidelines, despite personal or constituent beliefs. Essentially, if we are to accept their money, we must also accept and comply with their regulations. However, if the community opposes these regulations, recourse may be to lobby the representatives and encourage them to sponsor and/or support legislation that more closely reflects the morals and beliefs of the community.

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Do you think the Legislature should fund approximately $500 million for private school vouchers through the Opportunity Scholarship program? Why or why not?

Yes. With more options for students, we increase the number of academically prepared global citizens pursuing career and/or vocational options that match their interests. Additionally, fewer students in traditional schools means a reduced need for new facilities, buses, staff and funding. These funds can be channeled into additional resources to meet the needs of students with increased academic challenges.

What is your opinion on installing gun detectors in every school as a security measure?

I agree with pairing them with additional counselors and mental health professionals to help students cope with their stressors and develop adaptive coping skills to deal with their triggers. Physical tools alone will not reduce the chance of an aggressive/terminal incident. However, changing the culture of the school to an environment where every student in every classroom in every school takes ownership of the school and feels seen, heard and valued.

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