Home Top Stories Minnesota Governor Calls SCOTUS Bubble Stock Ruling ‘Reckless’

Minnesota Governor Calls SCOTUS Bubble Stock Ruling ‘Reckless’

Minnesota Governor Calls SCOTUS Bubble Stock Ruling ‘Reckless’

The Supreme Court invalidates the ban on bump stocks

The Supreme Court has invalidated the ban on bump stocks imposed after the Las Vegas mass shooting

8:40 am

MINNEAPOLIS – Minnesota leaders will speak out on Friday after the US Supreme Court decided to do so to overturn a federal rule banning bump stocksthe type of device used in the country’s deadliest mass shooting in 2017.

The court ruled 6-3 in favor of invalidating the rule issued by the Trump administration in 2018, months later. the Route 91 Harvest Musical Festival Massacre in Las Vegas that killed 58 people and injured another 500.

Bump stocks can modify semi-automatic rifles, allowing them to fire hundreds of rounds per minute.

Minnesota DFL Governor Tim Walz called the ruling “reckless” on social media Friday morning.

“Bumpstocks were used in the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history. Banning bumpstocks is common sense, and this reversal only sets us back in making our streets and communities safer,” Walz said.

A bump stock device that fits a semi-automatic rifle

George Frey/Getty Images

U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum, DFL-St. Paul accused the court’s “extremist majority” of endangering lives.

“Devices that turn semi-automatic weapons into weapons of war have no place in our communities.” McCollum wrote on X/Twitter. “Republicans should allow the House to vote on (Las Vegas Democratic Rep. Dina Titusbill’s) bill to close the loophole.”

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison called the decision “stunning,” adding he had urged the court to uphold the ban.

‘I am doing my part to combat gun violence: I am ensuring that President Biden will regulate ghost gunsfighting with 3D guns, Sue Fleet Farm for allowing straw purchases, and investigating the conversion of Glocks pistols into illegal machine guns. I’m disappointed in SCOTUS, but I’m not giving up,” Ellison wrote on X/Twitter.

This is a development story. Stay with WCCO.com for more information.



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