Home Top Stories Pallets of seafood stolen from truck in South Philadelphia, police say

Pallets of seafood stolen from truck in South Philadelphia, police say

Pallets of seafood stolen from truck in South Philadelphia, police say

Pallets of seafood stolen from truck in South Philadelphia

Pallets of seafood stolen from truck in South Philadelphia


PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — An investigation is underway Wednesday morning into another late-night robbery involving a parked truck, seafood and the dead of night, this time in South Philadelphia.

Someone stole pallets of seafood from a parked truck at the corner of 7th Street and Packer Avenue around 3:30 a.m., Philadelphia police said.

It is not clear how much they stole or how the suspect or suspects got into the truck.

The theft is reminiscent of a crime that occurred six months ago in Northeast Philadelphia.

In In March, thieves broke into a parked refrigerated truck on Charter Road and attempted to steal dozens of pounds of Alaskan salmon and Pacific cod. There were crates of fish and Weller bourbon strewn across the road and in that case a police chase ensued.

In April, thieves broke into the same location while the driver was asleep, stealing two pallets of pork before fleeing in a Lexus. The driver told police he was taking a nap until a nearby business opened so he could make his delivery.

Philadelphia Police Warn of Series of Cargo Thefts

In July, the Philadelphia Police Department’s Northeast Detectives Division held a press conference warning truck drivers to be on the lookout due to recent cargo thefts in Northeast Philadelphia and South Philadelphia.

Captain John Ryan told reporters that the thieves usually operate in groups of four to eight people and that they usually target trucks that are unattended or have a sleeping driver behind them.

“We don’t recommend anyone confront the thieves. Just call 911 from the cab of the truck and have the police come to the scene,” Ryan said in July.

We’ve reached out to Philadelphia police to ask if Wednesday morning’s theft is related to the previous string of truck break-ins.

A series of truck and trailer thefts in Northeast and South Philadelphia




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