HomeTop StoriesPhotos from the Three Fires Powwow homecoming

Photos from the Three Fires Powwow homecoming

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – On Saturday afternoon, the 42nd “Homecoming of the Three Fires” Powwow’s grand entrance began under sunny skies along the banks of the Owashtanong, now known as the Grand River, in Riverside Park, just north of downtown Grand Rapids, Mich. .

Named for the three tribes, Ojibwe (Chippewa), Odawa (Ottawa), and Bodéwadmi (Potawaomi), who made what is now Michigan their home before the arrival of Europeans. Today, thousands of native Ameircans living in West Michigan are part of the three tribes called the People of the Three Fires.

<em>Traditional Black Ash Baskets by Nancy White Pigeon Krogmann (Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation)</em>” data-src=”https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/cwi7njRBlYLZ5k3x1axhYg–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTcyMA–/https://media.zenfs.com/en/native_news_online_articles_488/e7561ae9b9 2c04cc554cf17d47d510ff”/><em><knopklasse=

Traditional black ash baskets from Nancy White Pigeon Krogmann (Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation)

The two-day powwow consists of drumming and dancing in the dance arena. Several stalls sell Native American dishes, such as Indian tacos, fry bread, wild rice soup and rainbow trout. Vendors also sell Native American items, such as black ash baskets, beaded jewelry and ribbon skirts.

The powwow is sponsored by the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians, a state-recognized tribe based in Grand Rapids. Co-sponsors are the Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of Michigan (Gun Lake Tribe) and the city of Grand Rapids.

The Homecoming of the Three Fires continues Sunday, with general admission starting at noon and ending at 5 p.m.

{gallery}42nd Homecoming of the Three Fires Powwow{/gallery}

About the Author: “Levi \”Calm Before the Storm\” Rickert (Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation) is the founder, publisher and editor of Native News Online. Rickert was awarded the Best Column 2021 Native Media Award for the print category\/ online by the Native American Journalists Association. He is a member of the advisory board of the Multicultural Media Correspondents Association. He can be reached at levi@nativenewsonline.net.

Contact: levi@nativenewsonline.net

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