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Pot cafes, theaters and yoga studios? Plans Unveiled for Social Marijuana Consumption in Massachusetts.

Pot cafes, theaters and yoga studios? Plans Unveiled for Social Marijuana Consumption in Massachusetts.

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BOSTON – Massachusetts is moving closer to allowing it pot cafeswhen regulators this week unveiled what licensing could look like for on-site social media marijuana consumption. We’re also learning more about what other types of businesses could emerge for legal cannabis use in public.

The state’s Cannabis Control Commission shared a presentation Thursday on how licensing could work for “social consumption establishments.” Massachusetts voted for it in 2016 legalize recreational marijuana and is one of eleven states that allow social consumption, but there is not yet a system in place that allows companies to sell cannabis to people and allow them to use it there.

Types of permits for social consumption of marijuana

The committee’s presentation sets out three different types of on-site social consumption permits: supplementary permits, catering permits and event organizer permits.

Additional licenses apply to businesses such as retail dispensaries that can already sell marijuana but are interested in providing an area such as a lounge or tasting room where customers can consume it.

The catering permit would cover “a new or existing commercial business without cannabis.” The committee says this could include a cafe, entertainment/recreation space, comedy club, yoga studio, theater or guest accommodation.

The license for event organizers would allow ‘temporary consumption events’, such as festivals, that could last up to five days.

Proposed types of licenses for social consumption of marijuana.

Cannabis Control Commission

Food required for places where marijuana is consumed

The committee document also outlines several policy considerations for the new permits, including some related to food.

All licensed marijuana businesses will be required to serve food, the presentation said. Licensees must train their staff in food service, but can also partner with nearby restaurants or delivery services.

“Limited research shows that food consumption may delay the development of THC,” the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, the committee said.

Other safety rules being considered include a 30-minute shutdown before closing time, a transportation strategy for businesses “to assist disabled consumers” and “cool-down strategies” for those who react negatively to marijuana. Alcohol and tobacco would also not be allowed at the locations, the committee says.

The commission expects to officially announce its regulations on December 17. The Boston Globe reports that pot cafes and other social consumption sites could open in about a year.



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