HomeTop StoriesRegents approve University of Iowa's $74 million maternity expansion to meet growing...

Regents approve University of Iowa’s $74 million maternity expansion to meet growing need for childbirth

The Iowa Board of Regents unanimously approved the $74 million, 30,000-square-foot maternity unit expansion project at the University of Iowa Healthcare during its meeting Thursday.

The significant upgrade is expected to begin at the end of this year.

More: The University of Iowa is awaiting approval for a $74 million maternity ward expansion project

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Why the expansion is necessary

The project on the seventh floor of the John Pappajohn Pavilion addresses the increasing need for hospital beds, especially for postpartum care. The hospital will add 23 beds, increasing the supply in the maternity ward from 38 to 61.

The university has seen a 40% increase in baby deliveries in recent years, after delivering 3,300 babies in the last fiscal year. On average, the hospital delivers almost a thousand more babies than five years ago.

“The increase is seen in both volume and postpartum needs for patients, so a very important project for (University of Iowa) hospitals and clinics,” said Rod Lehnertz, senior vice president for Finance and Operations at the University of Iowa .

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The expansion also includes updates to the maternity ward’s current water and electricity infrastructure. John Pappajohn Pavilion, built in 1991 as one of four pavilions at the main University of Iowa Healthcare Hospital, is in need of modernization. The chilled water and electricity are being renewed throughout the building.

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How much will the project cost?

Construction is expected to begin in fall 2024 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2026. The expansion will cost $74 million and will be funded through Hospital Revenue Bonds and University Hospitals Building Usage Funds.

The University of Iowa considered adding a floor to the building, but the proposal was rejected due to cost.

The seventh floor expansion is necessary because no other suitable locations within the facility have been identified. The new unit will also keep mothers close to their babies.

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Jessica Rish is an entertainment, food and business reporter for the Iowa City Press-Citizen. She can be reached at JRish@press-citizen.com or on X, formerly known as Twitter, @rishjessica_

This article originally appeared on Iowa City Press-Citizen: The Regents approve $74 million expansion of Iowa’s maternity unit

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