Home Politics Robert F. Kennedy Jr. fails to qualify for CNN’s debate. ...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. fails to qualify for CNN’s debate. It will be a showdown between Biden and Trump

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  fails to qualify for CNN’s debate.  It will be a showdown between Biden and Trump

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has failed to qualify for next week’s debate in Atlanta, according to host network CNN, failing to meet the criteria for both state ballot qualification and necessary polling.

The missed markers mean the June 27 showdown will be solely between the Democratic President Joe Biden and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. That deprives Kennedy of a unique opportunity to stand alongside the leading candidates in an effort to lend legitimacy to his long-range bid and convince potential supporters he has a chance to win.

In a statement Thursday, Kennedy called his exclusion from the debate “undemocratic, un-American and cowardly.”

Both the Biden and Trump campaigns fear Kennedy could play a spoiler in what is expected to be a close general election.

Under CNN’s criteria, candidates would be invited to participate in the debate if they secured a spot on the ballot in states with a total of at least 270 votes in the Electoral College, the minimum needed to become president.

Biden and Trump easily crossed the voting threshold, but will not be certified for the ballot until their parties formally nominate them later this summer. Both have secured enough delegates to secure their nominations.

Kennedy’s campaign says he has met the requirements to appear on the ballot in 22 states, with a total of 310 electoral votes, although not all states have confirmed his name will be on the list. California, the biggest prize on the electoral map with 54 votes, will not certify any candidates until August 29.

Candidates also had to reach a 15% polling threshold in four reliable national polls by June 20, another benchmark that CNN said Kennedy failed to meet. According to the network, Kennedy has polled at least 15% in three qualifying polls so far and is currently voting in six states, making him currently eligible for 89 votes in the Electoral College.

Last month, Kennedy filed an election complaint alleging that CNN was colluding with Biden and Trump to exclude him from the June 27 debate. standard.

CNN has said the complaint is baseless. Kennedy’s campaign did not immediately respond Thursday to a message seeking comment on CNN’s announcement and asking whether he planned to take further action on his expulsion.

Last month, Biden and Trump agreed to the CNN debate and a second one on September 10 hosted by ABC, bypassing the nonpartisan commission that has organized debates for nearly four decades.

After winning a coin toss, Biden’s campaign chose the correct podium position, meaning he will be on the right side of viewers’ screens, with Trump on the left, according to CNN. Trump’s campaign then chose to make its closing statement after Biden.

Both campaigns have agreed to appear on stages and microphones will be muted except for the candidate’s turn to speak.


Kinnard can be reached at http://twitter.com/MegKinnardAP



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