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Rudy Ferguson accuses Democratic Party Chairman Ryan Ray of taking sides in the committee race

Rudy Ferguson accuses Democratic Party Chairman Ryan Ray of taking sides in the committee race

Tallahassee City Council candidate Rudy Ferguson filed a complaint with the Florida Democratic Party, accusing Leon County Democratic Executive Committee Chairman Ryan Ray of siding against him in the race for the City Council seat.

Ferguson, a pastor, is challenging City Commissioner Jack Porter in a three-way race for Seat 1. Ray, a longtime friend and advisor to Porter who also serves as an assistant to City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow, was elected chairman of the DEC in late 2022. He denied Ferguson’s accusation.

Rudy Ferguson, candidate for Tallahassee City Commission, Seat 1 (2024 election cycle)

On Wednesday, Ferguson emailed a 13-page complaint on campaign letterhead to Florida Democratic Party Chairman Nikki Fried and several others, including state Reps. Allison Tant and Gallop Franklin, D-Tallahassee.

“My purpose in writing is to express my deep concerns about discriminatory practices directed at our campaign by local Democratic Party officials in Tallahassee,” Ferguson said. “We have noted specific public statements, consulting activities and financial contributions that raise questions about the fairness and impartiality of the Leon County Democratic Party’s conduct.”

Ray told the Tallahassee Democrat that he called Ferguson on Wednesday to discuss his concerns but had not received a response.

“That is consistent with his pattern of never attending Democratic Party meetings or meaningfully participating in the party in any way,” Ray said in a text, adding: “His behavior is very rude and only benefits Donald Trump and his local party. facilitating factors.”

Ryan Ray

The complaint was another sign of a deep division among local Democrats, which largely reflects the same views as on the City Commission, with more progressive, anti-establishment forces on one side and more moderate, pro-status quo forces on the other.

The state party has received the letter and is awaiting a formal complaint from Ferguson. Matt Dailey, a spokesman for the Democratic Party of Florida, said Thursday that no formal appeal has yet been received. Party rules require an investigation by the Judicial Council into any disputes between party members.

Ferguson complained that he was facing repercussions after sending a campaign email saying he disagreed with a comment on fascist police state.” After the email was sent, Ray texted Ferguson asking if he or someone else had written the email.

“I would ask you to leave the Democratic Party if you are going to criticize us,” Ray wrote. “If anyone else were to write it, I would warn you not to allow others to use your campaign as a tool to attack the Democratic Party.”

Ray, whose father is a retired Hillsborough County sheriff’s deputy, also told Ferguson that he was “very personally offended by your campaign’s insinuation that I am anti-law enforcement. My father is a hero to me.”

The complaint included a tweet from Porter in which she and Ray rallied voters to encourage them to request mail-in ballots and other X-posts from Ray in support of Porter. Ferguson also complained that the local party was “manipulating” voter data, making it harder for other campaigns to use it.

City Commissioner Curtis Richardson, part of the 3-2 majority on the commission, along with Mayor John Dailey and Commissioner Dianne Williams-Cox, were asked about Ferguson’s allegations Thursday during a candidates’ forum sponsored by the Democrat, WFSU and the League of Women Voters.

Tallahassee City Commission candidate Curtis Richardson answers questions at a forum hosted by WFSU, the Tallahassee Democrat and the League of Women Voters on Thursday, June 27.

“It is absolutely wrong for the chairman of the Democratic Party to take sides in Democratic races,” said Richardson, who voted against Ray in the DEC election.

Ray said he had no conflict of interest in his role as DEC chairman and adviser to Matlow, who openly supports both Porter and Richardson’s primary opponent, Dot Inman-Johnson.

“I pride myself on balancing my obligations and responsibilities fairly and effectively,” Ray said.

Contact Jeff Burlew at jburlew@tallahassee.com or 850-599-2180.

This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Rudy Ferguson Accuses Democratic Party Chairman Ryan Ray of Taking Sides



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