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Senator Bernie Sanders is planning a boycott as some Democrats question Netanyahu’s planned speech to Congress

WASHINGTON — Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on Tuesday called on top leaders of both parties for welcoming Netanyahu to Congress, denouncing the Israeli prime minister as a “war criminal” amid the ongoing war with Gaza.

In an interview with NBC News Tuesday, Sanders lashed out at House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., for inviting Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress in the coming weeks.

“What Mr. Johnson will have to explain to the American people is why he thinks it is okay to invite to a joint session someone who is currently responsible for the deaths of some 38,000 Palestinians, 60% of whom are women and children. elderly,” Sanders said. (The UN cited a death toll of more than 36,000 Palestinians on May 31.)

Reminded that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, DY, as well as minority leaders of both chambers, had joined Johnson’s invitation to Netanyahu, Sanders said he “strongly” disagreed with the decision.

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When asked if he had expressed that disagreement to Schumer, Sanders laughed dryly. “I made it very clear to anyone who would listen,” he said.

His comments come as a growing group of Senate Democrats express concern that Netanyahu’s speech could be politically divisive, further exacerbating tensions in Congress and frustration over Israel’s military campaign. A date for the speech has not yet been set.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois, the number two Democrat in the Senate, said Tuesday that he would not have invited Netanyahu to speak before Congress until the Israeli prime minister committed to a two-state solution. Durbin said he worries the speech could be a repeat of Netanyahu’s controversial speech at a joint session in 2015, when he criticized the Obama administration’s policies toward Iran.

“That’s exactly the fear I have, is that it would be politically divisive, that it wouldn’t help Israel,” Durbin told NBC News. “I am waiting for clarity on the two-state solution, I think that is a central part of our strategy and I am waiting for him to commit to that.”

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Both Sens. Peter Welch, D-Vt., and Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., also said they disagreed with extending an invitation to Netanyahu to address Congress, with Welch saying he is “undecided” whether he would attend the speech. Both Welch and Merkley voted against the Israel-Ukraine aid bill in April, citing their opposition to the Israeli military operation as a reason not to support the package.

Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, said he believes Netanyahu has been “bad for Israel,” saying: “If he comes here and makes a political speech, then I think he should stay home and try to negotiate a peace agreement.”

But Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., says he plans to attend the speech, saying, “I am always willing to listen to foreign leaders, even those with whom I disagree.”

“I reserve the right to be surprised,” Murphy said, “but my sense is that his appearance here may be more about trying to bolster his political standing at home than about actually brokering peace or improving the relationship between the United States and Israel. .”

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Sanders made it clear that he will not attend the speech, although he noted that his office does have televisions. He will “probably listen,” he said.

But, Sanders said, boycotting the speech by refusing to attend in person “is a statement of whether or not you believe that someone who acted in such a heinous manner deserves the honor of speaking in a joint session.” speak. That is an honor.”

This article was originally published on NBCNews.com

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