Home Top Stories Sound off: June 25, 2024

Sound off: June 25, 2024

Sound off: June 25, 2024

About time

Sec. of Transportation Pete Buttigieg was in Mississippi to show what the Democrats are doing for MS infrastructure. Republicans show up for the infrastructure ribbon-cutting they voted against.


I wish we were as generous in providing people with mental health care as we are in providing access to guns and ammunition.


This week, a 28-year-old transgender suspect from Utah admitted to shooting and killing his parents and trying to kill his brother and sister-in-law at his parents’ home. The man turned woman said he had no regrets and would do it again because he hated them. Because the perpetrator is transgender, this will be widely avoided by most media outlets who would otherwise publish and dissect it due to gun violence, domestic, mental health, and other issues they typically focus on.

Not fit

If Joe Biden were the pilot of your plane, would you board? Of course not. If he were your insurance salesman, would you buy from him? Of course not. Don’t pretend he’s fit when he’s not.

Trump‘s takeover

Donald Trump has turned the traditional Republican Party into an irresponsible MAGA show. Republican politicians, stunned by misinformed Trump voters, have chosen humiliation and power over principle. Will the Trump fever ever break?

Illegal immigration

Where are women’s groups taking action now against this onslaught of violence against women, now that there are millions of illegal immigrants in the country? Women are the largest group of victims of this invasion, but not a single woman in power, a woman in Congress, and so on. This invasion must be stopped and women must stand up and help make it happen. Our daughters, sisters, granddaughters and nieces deserve our protection.


Life in Biloxi has become increasingly unbearable. I vote for anyone who wants to reduce the traffic congestion, pollution and noise caused by Scrapin’, Cruzin’, Spring Breakin’, Jeepin’ and Mardi Gras. Forget the traffic control, just get rid of the traffic.

Send your Sound Offs to soundoff@sunherald.com.



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