Home Top Stories Stockton Police ticket 39 sex workers near Sierra Nevada Street, Wilson Way

Stockton Police ticket 39 sex workers near Sierra Nevada Street, Wilson Way

Stockton Police ticket 39 sex workers near Sierra Nevada Street, Wilson Way

Stockton police say a crackdown on human trafficking and prostitution over the weekend resulted in dozens of tickets and a handful of arrests.

On Saturday, Stockton police were searching for people engaged in sex work. The department said the operation focused on Sierra Nevada Street, Wilson Way and the Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard corridor — all areas known for prostitution and related problems.

“By conducting targeted operations in high-crime areas, the department can disrupt and dismantle human trafficking networks, rescue victims and bring perpetrators to justice,” Stockton police said in a statement.

The operation resulted in the citation and prosecution of 39 sex workers, 36 traffic violations for men attempting to solicit prostitution, four arrests for search warrants, one arrest for driving under the influence, 15 towed vehicles, and one arrest for a chase.

According to police, a 17-year-old victim of human trafficking has also been returned to her family.

If you or someone you know or suspect is being trafficked, the San Joaquin County Family Justice Center offers help. Call the agency’s 24-hour Human Trafficking Helpline at (209) 948-1911. The agency also offers tips and resources to help individuals heal and live free from sex trafficking and exploitation; visit weshallprevail.org for more information.

More local resources to support victims of human trafficking

  • Chest of Hope Helpline: (209) 259-5552

  • Women’s shelter Haven of Peace (French camp): (209) 982-0396

  • National Helpline against Human Trafficking: (888) 373-7888

  • San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office Victim Witness Services: (209) 468-2500

Record reporter Hannah Workman covers news in Stockton and San Joaquin County. Reach her at hworkman@recordnet.com or on Twitter @byhannahworkman. Support local news by subscribing to The Stockton Record at https://www.recordnet.com/subscribenow.

This article originally appeared on The Record: Stockton police fine 39 sex workers; 36 men in prostitution operation



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