Home Top Stories Swimming Possible to teach water safety to children with autism

Swimming Possible to teach water safety to children with autism

Swimming Possible to teach water safety to children with autism

Experts organize a water safety event for children with autism

Experts organize a water safety event for children with autism


MINNEAPOLIS – Experts are organizing a water safety event on Tuesday aimed at children with autism.

A crucial session follows the death of 4-year-old Waeys Mohamed, a non-verbal child with autism who went missing on Sunday. Hours of searching ended in tragedy Monday when his body was found in Minnehaha Creek, just a quarter mile from his home in Hopkins.

According to the American Red Cross, children with autism are 160 times more likely to experience nonfatal and fatal drownings than their peers

David Greenwood’s son Zachary was diagnosed at age 2.

“As a parent, I can’t imagine burying my son. I can’t imagine the trauma they’re going through,” Greenwood said.

Greenwood said it was crucial to give his son swimming lessons.

Zachary Greenwood

David Greenwood

“It has given us great ease and comfort knowing that we have managed to equip him with the swimming skills to survive,” he said.

For the past eight years, his son has worked with Tammy Ebert’s team at Swim Possible.

“We’re turning it into something positive for them,” Ebert said. “We need to give them some kind of swimming lessons so that they can formally learn how to swim and how not to be afraid of the water, but to respect the water.”

Ebert recommends the following:

  • Have a life jacket on hand
  • Teach your child to ask before entering the water
  • Enter the water with your feet first
  • Make sure there is an emergency plan in place

“If I save one life through this program, then I have accomplished my mission,” Ebert said.

That free virtual session starts Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Email info@familyachieve.org to register and receive the Zoom link.



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