Home Top Stories Swing district Dem breaks with Newsom over crime vote

Swing district Dem breaks with Newsom over crime vote

Swing district Dem breaks with Newsom over crime vote

Another influential Sacramento Democrat has cut ties with party leadership and voiced support for a November referendum to increase prison sentences for shoplifting and drug offenses.

State Senator Dave minwho is running for the seat of Orange County House Speaker Katie Porter, told POLITICO he will support the initiative to roll back parts of Proposition 47 — a decade-old law that reduced penalties for some nonviolent crimes.

Min’s position brings him into conflict with Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democratic leaders in the Legislature, who oppose the crime ballot initiative sponsored by district attorneys. Min was previously ambiguous about his position on the initiative, saying he had not reviewed the language — a position criticized by his Republican opponent, Scott Baugh.

“While well-intentioned, Proposition 47 has resulted in a wave of unintended consequences that have plagued our communities with a dramatic increase in shoplifting and robberies,” Min said in a statement.

Min’s announcement comes at a crucial time as Newsom tries to mobilize Democratic lawmakers behind a potential rival initiative he hopes to get on the ballot in November. Newsom’s counterproposal would likely increase some penalties for theft, but would be less sweeping than the initiative sponsored by prosecutors and would likely not affect penalties for drug possession.

The Legislature could vote on the new measure next week, and the margin is expected to be especially tight in the Senate, where Democrats have fewer seats. Such a constitutional amendment would require a two-thirds majority in each house.

It was not immediately clear whether Min would also support the Newsom-led measure. “Dave Min is committed to fixing Prop 47,” said Dan Driscoll, Min’s campaign manager.

Democrats in the Legislature are also rushing to pass their own package of anti-crime legislation. Republicans have criticized Democrats for the “poison pill” amendments they made to several bills, so these would be repealed in the initiative to reverse Prop 47 passages.

Min also said he plans to remove amendments from his shoplifting bill that would invalidate the law if the ballot measure passed — a major point of contention. His measure would increase penalties for offenders who set fires in stores.



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