Home Top Stories Tennessee Rep. Andy Ogles follows Trump into a desperate corner and...

Tennessee Rep. Andy Ogles follows Trump into a desperate corner and is eating away at democracy

Tennessee Rep.  Andy Ogles follows Trump into a desperate corner and is eating away at democracy

Our U.S. Representative from the Fifth District, Tennessee, Andy Ogles, and fellow far-right colleagues have been in New York City in recent days, “standing behind the scenes and standing with” the former president. Donald Trump.

They echoed other Republicans who have already attended the trial, which they call a purely political exercise.

They are sure that their words and the purpose behind them will help make this happen. When Trump’s attorney attacked a “serial liar” on the witness stand, they were outside supporting another serial liar who is morally bankrupt, deeply in debt, and backed into a corner.

These public events, with their photos and videos, are essentially campaign fodder for Trump and himself.

As they follow Trump into his desperate corner, much of the campaign money they help generate goes to his defense fund. It is a cancer that is eating away at both the Republican Party and our democracy.

Tim O’Brien, Nashville 37204

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This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Republican congressmen like Andy Ogles desperately defend Trump



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