HomeTop StoriesThe experiences that make people happiest

The experiences that make people happiest

We may be creatures of habit, but research shows that the best way to increase our daily happiness is to break up our routine. According to a study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, we feel happier when we have more variety in our daily lives. The researchers found that regularly going to new places and having a wider range of experiences reliably boosts positive emotions.

This has been shown by previous research rodents raised in “enriched environments” – environments where they are exposed to new and diverse experiences – are more playful, can interact better with fellow rodents, learn better and show greater resilience to stress. As the study in Nature Neuroscience shows, the same principle seems to apply to humans.

Using GPS, the researchers tracked the participants’ daily movements for 3 to 4 months. From every individual “wandering entropy” — their level of exploration — was quantified using the location data. Those with low roaming entropy stayed close to home. Those with high wandering entropy were more fearless, often venturing outside their neighborhood and being exposed to new situations. On days when participants had higher roaming entropy, they reported more positive emotions such as ‘happy’, ‘excited’, ‘strong’ and ‘relaxed’.

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“Our results suggest that people feel happier when they have more variety in their daily routines – when they go to new places and have a wider range of experiences,” explained Catherine Hartleyan assistant professor at New York University’s Department of Psychology and one of the paper’s co-authors.

The benefits of shaking things up still linger – those who spent time in different locations one day and had different experiences also felt happier the next day.

Low roaming entropy may partly explain why lockdown has been so challenging. It may also explain why some people find working from home exhausting or devitalizing. Being locked into a routine that limits exposure to new places, people or things can take its toll. That said, you can have new and diverse experiences without going too far. Cycling around town, visiting a museum, hiking a different trail, or trying a new skill are all ways to tackle the unknown. Exploring the unknown has a powerful effect on mood. Benefit from it. You don’t have to become an intrepid explorer or climb Mount Everest. A little variety is enough to give you a boost.

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Patients often tell me: “I am who I am.” I remind them that they are who they chose to be.

In short: as tempting as it is to retreat, remember that the most uplifting moments of your day come from getting out into the world.

Dr. Samantha Boardman·Yahoo Creator

Dr. Samantha Boardman is a clinical instructor in psychiatry and resident physician at Weill-Cornell Medical College in New York City. She is the author of ‘Everyday Vitality, Turning Stress Into Strength’ and provides insight and advice on how to build vitality and increase resilience at The Dose.


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