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The Michigan House committee approves a bill that would allow terminally ill inmates out of prison

The Michigan House committee approves a bill that would allow terminally ill inmates out of prison

Bill would let terminally ill inmates out of prison in Michigan

Bill would let terminally ill inmates out of prison in Michigan


(CBS DETROIT) – A bill that would allow medically vulnerable inmates out of Michigan prisons is in the process of being drafted before being sent to Governor Gretchen Whitmer for approval.

The new law would allow medically vulnerable prisoners to spend the final days of their sentences and their lives at home in a hospice.

“It’s about recognizing that prison is not going to be the right environment for certain people who are at the end of their lives,” said Kyle Kaminski, acting spokesman for the Michigan Department of Corrections.

In addition to expanding the definition of medically fragile, the new law would also allow an inmate to request hospice care from family in a home setting instead of a nursing home. Kaminski says previous versions of the law were too restrictive.

“In practice, it has proven difficult to actually make use of it, and so far only one person has been released on parole. So the bill provides some much-needed updates and clarifications to that law,” Kaminski said.

Officials in favor of the legislation explained that those eligible for this type of release would not pose a danger to the public because of their health; they could be subject to surveillance and return to prison if their health improved.

“If a prisoner is released and he makes a miraculous recovery, are there provisions to get him back to prison?” asked state Rep. Bob Bezotte during the committee hearing.

“If there is a change in their circumstance that makes them no longer eligible, it is up to the parole board to make a decision in the case,” Kaminski said.

The Michigan Sheriff’s Association opposed the bill. Matt Saxton, president and CEO of the association, said in a brief telephone interview that the organization is concerned about the new definitions. He says they are too broad and can admit people who are not actually terminally ill.



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