Home Top Stories These candidates are committed to restoring comprehensive reproductive health care for women

These candidates are committed to restoring comprehensive reproductive health care for women

These candidates are committed to restoring comprehensive reproductive health care for women

I was pleased to see the front-page coverage of the June 24 rally in South Bend, marking the second anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. I was there and was moved by the commitment to restoring comprehensive reproductive health care for women that I heard from two outstanding candidates for public office.

The article quoted Heidi Beidinger, the Democratic candidate for Indiana House District 5, but failed to quote Lori Camp, who also spoke persuasively and is running for Congress in Indiana’s 2nd District. Camp was correct when he pointed out that current 2nd District Rep. Rudy Yakym supports abortion bans that are way out of step with the majority of Hoosiers (2023 Ball State University Poll). Furthermore, Rep. Yakym is working to jeopardize access to in vitro fertilization through his sponsorship of the Life at Conception Act.

The personal stories shared at this event remind us that IVF has made many families possible and that abortion can save the lives of mothers who experience pregnancy complications. I am proud to support both Heidi Beidinger and Lori Camp, who understand these truths and will listen to and work tirelessly on their behalf.

April Lidinsky

South Bend

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Property tax

I am a retiree living on a fixed income. I have had a substantial increase in my property taxes due to an increase in the assessed value of my property. Home prices have increased dramatically in recent years, so even though I have not realized it, I have seen a gain in the value of my property. That seems fair, even though it will be a financial burden on me.

A substantial portion of these taxes go to local schools. I have never given my consent to vouchers, but families who use them receive a large subsidy from me. The same goes for charter schools. Meanwhile, public school children from my neighborhood are being sent to an elementary school nearly two miles away, even though we have a perfectly good building here. Other public schools in South Bend are closed, causing chaos for many families. I pay more taxes, but schools are closing.

While the county continues to tax me, capricious legislation has turned Indiana’s education fund into nothing more than an attractive source of wealth extraction. It’s theft. A state that taxes my pension has enough money to fund public education.

Laurie McGowan

South Bend

Upside down

Somehow I’ve ended up in the other world. The media has focused on Joe Biden’s poor debate performance since last Thursday night. And yet not a word about the utterly outrageous lies being spread by convicted felon Donald Trump. Fact-checkers couldn’t keep up with the fire hose of lies coming out of his mouth! Republicans are proud of his performance. As one commentator on PBS News put it, even the most agile mind would find it impossible to debate someone so pathologically untruthful!

Anita Blumhardt


This article originally appeared on South Bend Tribune: Vote for Heidi Beidinger and Lori Camp



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