HomeTop StoriesThis beloved Pop-Tarts flavor returns to shelves and competes for an edible...

This beloved Pop-Tarts flavor returns to shelves and competes for an edible mascot

Pop-Tarts toasts to something new.

TODAY exclusively announced on December 4 that the Frosted Cinnamon Roll Pop-Tarts flavor will serve as the third mascot at this year’s Pop-Tarts Bowl, giving it a chance to win the role of edible mascot at the annual college football bowl game.

“Frosted Cinnamon Roll will appear as an edible mascot alongside Frosted Hot Fudge Sundae and Frosted Wild Berry and will compete to achieve the ultimate pastry dream: being eaten by the winning team,” the company said in a press release.

In addition to the mascot news, Frosted Cinnamon Roll will also be available in stores when it returns to shelves in the coming weeks. The flavor can also be purchased in the Pop-Tarts online shop.

Cinnamon Roll (right) will have the fight of his life against Hot Fudge Sundae (left) and Wild Berry (right).

“We’re always listening to our fans and are thrilled to deliver one thing they’re really hungry for: the return of Frosted Cinnamon Roll,” said Heidi Ray, senior director of marketing for Pop-Tarts.

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“We know Pop-Tarts fans love to debate our flavors and were overwhelmed by the level of engagement and speculation over the past two weeks, including the correct guesses for Frosted Cinnamon Roll,” she continued. “To everyone who has flooded our comments and customer service efforts to bring back this favorite flavor, we are proud to say, in the words of Frosted Strawberry, ‘Dreams really do come true’.”

pop-tarts bowl (pop-tarts)

The Pop-Tarts Bowl may offer some drama on the field, but the question of which flavor will be eaten may be the most compelling storyline.

The MVP of the Pop-Tarts Bowl gets to choose which flavor will be eaten by the winning team.

Last year’s game marked the debut of the edible mascot, with the Kansas State Wildcats chasing Strawberry after their 28-19 victory over the North Carolina State Wolfpack.

The 2024 Pop-Tarts Bowl will air live from Camping World Stadium in Orlando, Florida, on December 28 at 3:30 PM ET on ABC.

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This article was originally published on TODAY.com

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