HomeTop StoriesThis New York Charter School serves low-income students. But the city...

This New York Charter School serves low-income students. But the city is blocking it.

Government-run schools continue to fail.

We shouldn’t be surprised. Monopolies rarely serve customers well.

People call them “public schools,” but “government-run” is more accurate. After all, charter schools are available to the public. Private supermarkets are open to the public longer than ‘public’ schools.

International tests show that American children do not learn as much as children in other countries. They did even worse during the pandemic because our teachers unions kept schools closed.

It’s even worse in my state, New York, where big government and unions flourish. Here, children’s test scores are well below the national average. In New York City, the scores are even lower.

But here’s one dramatic exception: The aptly named Success Academy succeeds where government-run schools fail.

The chain, led by former Democratic city councilwoman Eva Moskowitz, now operates more than 50 schools.

They outperform every school in New York State on math tests. Yet the children of the Succes Academy mainly come from families with low incomes.

“That redefines American public education,” says LaMae de Jongh of Success in my new video. “Our Black and Hispanic students outperformed their peers by two to three percent in their math.”

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How? By trying new things.

At successful schools, principals spend time in each classroom and provide tips to teachers.

One teacher told us, “They tell me things I don’t see.”

“Some teachers don’t like to be looked at and criticized,” I tell Jongh.

“But they keep getting better!” she answers. “If they improve, their scientists do better and the teachers feel more successful. That’s what you want!”

The school day at Succes Academy is longer. Children usually stay until 4:30 PM. Some stay later.

Some parents take children out because of the extra demands. “That’s why their test scores are so high!” critics complain. “High school dropouts increase average test scores for children who stay.”

Maybe. But for the thousands of children at Success Charters, the high expectations are a Good thing.

Talking to kids there, I was surprised when 7 year olds told me they were “looking forward” to school! I never did that. Someone told me that learning to read is “awesome awesome”!

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That is why many parents would like to send their children to the Success Academy. Nearly 13,000 more families register than the school has space. That’s why the school holds a lottery to determine who can enter.

The chain would like to offer its magic to more children, but that is not allowed! “Progressive” politicians limit the number they can serve.

“I hate the privatizers. I want to stop them,” said former Mayor Bill de Blasio. He closed Harlem’s most successful charter school.

The current mayor isn’t that terrible, but New York’s cap on charter schools remains.

The educational institution simply does not like competition.

Government school advocates say competition “takes money away” from government schools.

That is a lie.

It is true that enrollment in government-run schools is declining. More parents are now homeschooling and sending children to charters and private schools. But expenditure on government schools continues to rise. The government is always spending money more!

And when the students leave, there will be government schools left more money per student. That’s because the government gives charters like Success $18,000 per student. Government-run schools get almost $36,000!

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With half the money, Success Academy is doing better.

Most high school students never take the Advanced Placement tests. Of those who use them in my state, about half succeed.

But at the Success Academy all children do the tests. And 80 percent pass!

“These kids must be miserable!” I say to Jongh. “They are working all the time.”

“Why?” She laughs. “They enjoy learning.”

Moreover, it is not always schoolwork. Success offers ‘chess, debate, theatre, music’, she emphasizes. “Those aren’t add-ons; they’re part of our day.”

Success makes teachers work harder. Teacher turnover is high.

But what then? The goal is for the children to succeed. At Success Academy, yes!

A student says to me: ‘It’s unfair that that isn’t the case everyone gets this opportunity.”

He is right. It’s unfair.

All children should have that choice.


The post This New York Charter School Helps Low-Income Students. But the city is blocking it. appeared first on Reason.com.

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