HomeTop StoriesToday, seven new California laws went into effect. Here's what residents...

Today, seven new California laws went into effect. Here’s what residents need to know

For many California residents, life is about to change starting Monday.

That’s when several new state laws take effect.

They range from a gun tax and a ban on hidden business fees to updated rules on electronic device repairs, security deposits and school suspensions.

Below is an overview of seven new California laws and how they work:

A rental agreement form.

A rental agreement form.

AB 12 limits security deposits for tenants

Under Assembly Bill 12, tenants can no longer be required to pay a security deposit greater than one month’s rent.

According to California courts, a security deposit is an amount of money that a landlord holds to cover potential damages, cleaning fees, or unpaid rent if the tenant breaks the lease.

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The new law prevents most landlords from charging tenants two to three times the monthly rent as a security deposit.


Gov. Gavin Newsom, center, stands with the authors of the gun control bill, from far left: State Sen. Anthony Portantino, D-Burbank, state Sen. Catherine Blakespear, D-Encinitas, and Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel, D-Woodland Hills, after he signed their bills into law Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2023.Gov. Gavin Newsom, center, stands with the authors of the gun control bills, from far left, Sen. Anthony Portantino, D-Burbank, Sen. Catherine Blakespear, D-Encinitas, and Rep. Jesse Gabriel, D-Woodland Hills, after he signs their bills into law on Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2023.

Governor Gavin Newsom, center, stands next to the authors of the gun control bills, from far left, Sen. Anthony Portantino, D-Burbank, Sen. Catherine Blakespear, D-Encinitas, and Rep. Jesse Gabriel, D-Woodland Hills, after he signed their bills on Tuesday, September 26, 2023.

AB 28: New tax on weapons and ammunition

Assembly Bill 28 — also known as the Gun Violence Prevention and School Safety Act — requires manufacturers, sellers and dealers to pay an 11% tax on firearms and ammunition to fund violence prevention efforts.

That’s in addition to the 10% to 11% federal tax that gun and ammunition sellers already pay to fund conservation efforts.

It is one of several new laws aimed at gun control, including limiting concealed weapons in public and requiring financial institutions to track firearm sales.


Assembly Bill 1013 requires California bars and nightclubs that serve alcohol to provide date rape drug testing kits. The new law goes into effect on July 1, 2024.Assembly Bill 1013 requires bars and nightclubs in California that serve alcohol to provide date rape drug testing kits.  The new law will come into effect on July 1, 2024.

Assembly Bill 1013 requires California bars and nightclubs that serve alcohol to provide date rape drug testing kits. The new law goes into effect on July 1, 2024.

AB 1013: Bars and nightclubs must carry test kits for date rape drugs

About 2,400 bars and nightclubs in California will be required to test customers for date rape drugs, under Assembly Bill 1013.

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The law requires bars and nightclubs that serve alcohol to post signage and offer free drug testing kits or sell them for a “reasonable amount based on wholesale cost.”

AB 1013 is intended to help “protect individuals from being unknowingly drugged or becoming victims of other crimes that often result,” according to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.


Assembly Bill 244, also known as the Right to Repair Act, requires California manufacturers to provide product owners and repair shops with the tools, parts, and service literature needed to repair electronics.Assembly Bill 244, also known as the Right to Repair Act, requires California manufacturers to provide product owners and repair shops with the tools, parts and service literature needed to repair electronics.

Assembly Bill 244, also known as the Right to Repair Act, requires California manufacturers to provide product owners and repair shops with the tools, parts, and service documentation needed to repair electronics.

SB 244: The Right to Repair Act Makes It Easier to Repair Electronics

Senate Bill 244 requires electronics and appliance manufacturers to provide parts, tools, and service literature to both product owners and independent repair shops.

The new law, also known as the Right to Repair Act, covers electronic products and devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones and various home appliances.

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However, SB 244 does not cover equipment used in certain industries and limits repairs to video game consoles and alarm systems.


Empty desks in a California classroom.Empty desks in a classroom in California.

Empty desks in a California classroom.

SB 274: Students cannot be suspended for ‘willful resistance’

From Monday, school boards will no longer be allowed to suspend students for low-level behavior, also known as ‘deliberate disobedience’.

Under California education law, willful disobedience includes violating the dress code, being late to class, talking back to teachers and refusing to turn off cell phones.

Senate Bill 274 bans intentional suspensions and expulsions in California high schools through 2029. It also extends an existing ban on intentional defiance-based suspensions in California high schools.


Canon co-owner Clay Nutting, center, prepares food with waitress Katie Bradley and line cook Keith Franzen at Canon on Tuesday in East Sacramento. SB 478, also known as the Consumer Legal Remedies Act, eliminates surcharges and would apply to restaurants. It goes into effect July 1.Canon co-owner Clay Nutting, center, prepares with waitress Katie Bradley and line cook Keith Franzen at Canon on Tuesday in East Sacramento.  SB 478, also known as the Consumer Legal Remedies Act, eliminates surcharges and would apply to restaurants.  It comes into effect on July 1.

Canon co-owner Clay Nutting, center, prepares food with waitress Katie Bradley and line cook Keith Franzen at Canon on Tuesday in East Sacramento. SB 478, also known as the Consumer Legal Remedies Act, eliminates surcharges and would apply to restaurants. It goes into effect July 1.

SB 478: No more hidden fees at restaurants and stores

Senate Bill 478 would ban so-called “junk” taxes on purchases across California.

The law aims to ban ‘drip pricing’, which means that the price consumers see is lower than what they ultimately pay for a product or service in the final phase of the purchasing process.

Now that SB 478 is in effect, you’ll know exactly how much you’re paying and what you’re paying for when it comes time to pay your total.

The law no longer applies to additional hidden fees associated with surcharges at restaurants after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed SB 1524 into law on Saturday, creating an exception for restaurants if those fees are “clearly and conspicuously” displayed on menus.

These costs range from additional gratuities to keep the pay of wait and kitchen staff equal, to municipal health fees and corkage fees for guests who bring their own bottles of wine to dinner.


Protest organizer Jaskaran Sahota speaks out against Senate Bill 553 at the state Capitol in Sacramento on Wednesday, August 16, 2023.Rally organizer Jaskaran Sahota voices his opposition to Senate Bill 553 at the Capitol in Sacramento on Wednesday, August 16, 2023.

Rally organizer Jaskaran Sahota expresses his opposition to Senate Bill 553 on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, at the Capitol in Sacramento.

SB 553: Employees receive training to prevent workplace violence

Senate Bill 553 aims to improve workplace safety in the state.

The new law requires employers to develop workplace violence prevention plans, train employees and managers on these safety plans, and keep track of incidents.

Workplace violence ranges from “threats and verbal abuse to physical violence and even murder,” according to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration. “It can affect and involve employees, customers, clients and visitors.”


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