Home Top Stories Trump again fails a scientific test in ‘Fox & Friends’ interview

Trump again fails a scientific test in ‘Fox & Friends’ interview

Trump again fails a scientific test in ‘Fox & Friends’ interview

Donald Trump’s pseudoscientific talk has always shocked or appalled.

Now – from the man who suggested injecting disinfectant to cure Covid-19 and suggested global warming doesn’t exist because cold temperatures do – we have a new entry in Trump’s book of fact-free claims.

In an interview with “Fox & Friends” last weekend, Trump continued his longstanding habit of downplaying the impact of climate change. He rejected President Joe Biden’s recent warnings about global warming and suggested that rising sea levels might have an upside: “a little more beachfront real estate.”

Watch Trump’s comments on Fox News here:

Leave it to Trump to insult someone’s intelligence in a tirade that exposes his own blatant delusions.

Not to mention his claim that “existential” is a strong word: sea levels are rising at a rapid rate a lot of faster than an eighth of an inch over the next 400 years. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, average sea levels have risen by one-eighth of an inch per year since 1993, so Trump has only overshot by a multiple of 400. Then we get to the “beachfront property” comment – ​​an ignorant, arrogant and fundamentally cruel joke that truly embodies the risks of electing a sleazy real estate mogul turned reality TV star as president.

To state the obvious, because we can never assume that Trump or his minions know, rising sea levels are not creating new beachfront real estate.

What a sea level rise do What they do do, however, is cause damage and destruction. It makes coastal communities more vulnerable to flooding and coastline erosion, posing safety risks to residents and threatening local infrastructure. It’s also a driving force behind global migration, which you’d think Trump would know, given his bigoted obsession with immigration.

He also lives in Florida, a state literal faces an existential threat in the form of rising sea levels. It’s really remarkable that Trump – with his supposedly high IQ that he claims to have genetically inherited – doesn’t seem to understand this stuff.

For a man who brags about his intellect, his inability to understand even basic facts about climate change contributes to mountain of contradictory evidence.

This article was originally published on MSNBC.com



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