Home Top Stories Trump recognizes Memorial Day by taking action against enemies, ‘human scum’

Trump recognizes Memorial Day by taking action against enemies, ‘human scum’

Trump recognizes Memorial Day by taking action against enemies, ‘human scum’

Around this time yesterday, Barack Obama issued a moving statement in honor of Memorial Day. “One of the greatest honors of my life has been the privilege of serving as Commander in Chief, and with pride has sometimes come heartbreak and loss.” the former president wrote. “And the sober recognition of the sacrifices so many Americans and their families have made to preserve our freedom.

“On Memorial Day, we honor the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country,” the Democrat concluded. “We owe them so much, and their memories will never be forgotten.”

A few hours later, President Joe Biden spoke at Arlington National Cemetery and delivered sober remarks recognizing the holiday and its importance. Biden celebrated the fallen, explaining that they are “bound by a common commitment — not to a place, not to a person, not to a president, but to an idea unlike any idea in human history: the idea of the United States of America. Today we witness the price they paid.”

But between Obama and Biden, another prominent American thought it would be a good idea to recognize the holiday in his own unique way. The New York Times summarized things as follows:

The Times added: “As has been the case for years, both as president and as a presidential candidate, Mr. Trump showed that he would not adhere to the standards of behavior that guide the nation’s leaders on a somber national holiday.”

In theory, it’s hard for a politician to ruin Memorial Day. All he or she has to do is honor those who have served their country and made the ultimate sacrifice, while supporting their loved ones. Even Trump should find this relatively easy.

But apparently the Republican couldn’t do anything about it.

In a nearly 200-word online tirade, after condemning his perceived enemies as “human scum,” the presumptive GOP nominee lashed out at Judge Lewis Kaplan, writer E. Jean Carroll, CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Judge Arthur Engoron, who described by the former president as a “crazy.”

At no point did Trump refer, even in passing, to American service members who were killed. Instead, he apparently confused Memorial Day with Festivus and decided it was time for him to air some grievances.

There may be some broader implications to the online statement: Trump has arguably defamed Carroll again, and this did not go unnoticed by her lawyer.

But while we wait to see if these legal developments unfold, it’s worth taking a moment to consider the reaction of the political world if a presumptive Democratic presidential nominee were to make a Memorial Day statement declaring (a) ignored fallen troops; (b) referred to his enemies as “human scum”; (c) and suggested that he saw the national holiday as entirely about himself and his grievances.

It would probably be one of the dominant political stories of the year. The fact that this wasn’t the first time the Republican recognized Memorial Day in an ugly and offensive way makes the story that much worse.

But because we’ve all grown accustomed to Trump’s lunacy, his offensive rant hasn’t generated much attention.

Trump has already developed a reputation for denigrating American troops, especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. His latest fiasco makes things even worse.

This article was originally published on MSNBC.com



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