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We were created for a relationship with each other and especially with God

We were created for a relationship with each other and especially with God

Spring into summer with a few good showers and warm temperatures inspires all kinds of life, most of which I have observed before. But the weekend brought surprises close to home, in our backyard.

Beth Pratt

I’m tackling a major project where I’m washing out the wooden deck at the back of the house, adjacent to a brick section of the patio. The idea was to properly complete the spring cleaning before we started cleaning the two triple and one double set of large windows that face the deck.

The spring nesting behavior of birds inhabiting a large pecan tree that partially overhangs the area tells me that the deck needs to be hosed down daily.

Friday was the perfect day for outdoor work. Friday night I went to bed tired, but I celebrated that I had done a job well done. On Saturday I got up with more enthusiasm, did an early daily cleaning where a few birds dared to leave their signature on the otherwise clean deck.

Seeing the strong southerly wind blowing on Saturday morning, I ventured further to wash out the fountain in the flowerbed and the rocks around it. It was a cooler day, so I washed the stone patio a bit, where dirt and dry leaves collect all winter. Around noon I turned on the decorative oscillating sprinkler to take advantage of the south wind, which carries the water outside to help provide a dry spot that our lawn sprinkler is missing, in addition to watering a tree and the flower bed.

It was too windy to tackle the large windows at the front of the house, so I rolled my cart of cleaning tools back to its place in the well house near the driveway. It was mid-afternoon before I remembered that the sprinkler was still throwing back its ‘raindrops’.

I was amazed to see four large, black butterflies showering in those drops. I watched, amazed that their wet wings did not collapse. Even more shocking was that I noticed a sort of dance taking place on the grass below before they got up again to fly in the ‘rain’.

I would have thought that a few lurking red-winged blackbirds, also enjoying the shower during the flight, could have scared the butterflies away. But no, all of nature came to a standstill because the urge to reproduce each of its own species seemed to be the main purpose of jumping around in the spray.

Nature has a way of reminding us that we depend on each other in different ways. I felt a little guilty when I finally turned off the water and ruined the party. There were still four butterflies, so the birds had a different kind of hunger in my garden. I left the party to do chores inside.

A light shower late on Sunday and then more on Monday freshened everything, leaving a puddle in the low spot in the stone surface at the rear. There is no need to turn on the water. I was inside doing laundry, but still felt vain enough to admire my cleaned patio. Late Monday, as I walked through the glass door, I saw a stranger sight than Saturday’s birds and butterflies.

At first I thought it was a large snake in a small pool of water right in front of the backyard door. Then I realized it wasn’t one snake, but two about 3 feet long snakes in the water doing their version of a mating dance.

Luckily they weren’t rattlesnakes. Fresh water just puts them in the mood, I thought as I ran to grab my phone camera. I called the man of the house to check and confirm that I was right about the type of snakes entwined about two feet from the door. We left them alone, but walking out the door disrupted their party and they eventually disappeared under the deck.

A few weeks earlier, a large rabbit tried to find shelter indoors from an early morning rain. As I thought about our four great-grandboys, I ran to the phone camera to take pictures of the determined bunny.

Normally any little movement inside would send curious rabbits running, but the early morning reflections must have hidden me and my camera. I sent both boys a close-up photo of the visitor peering through the glass. One photo went to Florida and the other to Minnesota. Photo phones are a great way to share “I’m thinking of you” moments from far away.

In our growing electronic environment, it is easy to overlook the truth of our privilege, camaraderie with other people. Technology is useful, but we are fooling ourselves if we think we can shrink ourselves to fit on screens, small or large, and learn the realities of life. Sharing nature’s surprises from afar is an important communication gift.

If we want to see a glimpse of eternity, we must look into the eyes of others—families, friends, and even our enemies—and marvel at the gift of life itself.

We were created for a relationship with each other and especially with God. Even the smallest creatures are called to reproduce and pursue purpose.

May the healing rains of love and devotion to others come upon us and drown the fire of hatred forever. Perfection lies with God. “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He enjoys every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds their hand.” (Psalm 34:23-24 NLT).

Beth Pratt retired as religion editor at the Avalanche-Journal after 25 years. You can email her at beth.pratt@cheerful.com.

This article originally appeared in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: Pratt: We were created for relationships with each other and especially with God



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