HomePoliticsWhy Aren't More Democrats Backing Kamala Harris While Biden Is Struggling?

Why Aren’t More Democrats Backing Kamala Harris While Biden Is Struggling?

It’s been a week since President Biden’s disastrous debate, and his political fortunes appear to be getting worse by the day.

His poll numbers are falling. Donald Trump is cheering. And Democrats are panicking about the future. Some feel betrayed by the president’s minions and are angry that his inner circle seems to be blaming everyone but themselves for last week’s debacle.

Now it all comes down to two questions: Will Biden withdraw from the race? And who is in top position to replace him?

The answer to the second question should be a no-brainer: the vice president, of course.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at the White House in March about criminal justice reform.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at the White House in March about criminal justice reform. (Kent Nishimura/AFP/Getty Images)

Kamala Harris was elected by the people to be the official replacement for the 81-year-old president should he be unable to serve, so it makes sense that she would be next in line, just as Biden was for Barack Obama. Harris served in the U.S. Senate, was attorney general of California, and before that, of San Francisco. It’s clear she has the experience. As for her debating skills, she’s a former prosecutor. Trump is a convicted felon. What more could you ask for in this cage match of an election?

Still, Harris, 59, is hardly a sure bet to replace Biden. Discussions among pundits and regular folks about the VP’s electability often begin from a place of reservation, informed by an unfounded, popular belief that she’s an unpopular outsider. Then we move on to longer conversations about Gavin Newsom. Or Gretchen Whitmore. Or Josh Shapiro.

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I honestly don’t know if Harris can win in November, or if she’s truly the best candidate to lead this country away from what seems certain doom if Trump wins. What I do know is that Harris will face a higher bar because of her gender and race. To dismiss her outright as a viable Biden replacement is irresponsible, not to mention sexist and racist, and it underscores the double standard faced by women and people of color — especially those at the top of their game.

The flip side of that coin is recognizing that America may not be ready for a woman president, let alone a woman of color. Backing Harris means believing that the electorate is capable of breaking through centuries of tradition and prejudice, and that’s a risky move in an election where the stakes are sky-high.

But it may not be as risky as it seems. A new CNN post-debate poll of registered voters shows that Harris would be the best candidate in a race against Trump above theoretical candidates Newsom, Shapiro, Whitmer and Pete Buttigieg — and well above Biden.

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Despite evidence that she is a viable choice, Harris still suffers from a persistent criticism that took root during the 2019 Democratic primaries. She was frequently described in the news media as aloof, distant and unlikable.

Call it the Hillary Clinton conundrum. Powerful women, especially in public roles, have to walk an impossible line. They have to be dominant, but not too demanding. Don’t come across as too emotional, but not too cold either. Don’t push too hard, but don’t be a wimp either (the “Barbie” monologue comes to mind). Walk a tightrope between strong leadership and easygoing sociability — in heels — because it’s never enough to be qualified and competent.

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Democrats and swing voters, you never get everything in one package. True, Harris doesn’t look comfortable at ribbon-cutting ceremonies, but she’s in her element when she’s questioning a sweaty, nervous Mark Zuckerberg or a talkative Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. And what we need now more than anything is a fighter.

Harris is a formidable debater. Recall the 2019 Democratic primary debate, when she took Biden to task on his desegregation record. In a debate the following year against then-Vice President Mike Pence, she expertly called out his hypocrisy when he accused Democrats of packing the courts: “Do you know that of the 50 people that President Trump has appointed to the Court of Appeals for lifetime appointments, not one is Black?” “That’s what they’ve done. If you want to talk about packing a court, let’s have that discussion.” Bam!

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As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, she questioned Trump’s then-Supreme Court nominee, Kavanaugh, during a 2018 hearing about protecting reproductive rights. “Can you think of any laws that would give the government the power to make decisions about the male body?” she asked.

Kavanaugh paused in answering: “I’m happy to answer a more specific question.”

“Male versus female,” Harris replied. After some back and forth, Kavanaugh agreed: “I’m not thinking about it right now, Senator.”

Trump later complained about how unfair she was: “She was mean to a level that was just appalling … the way she treated the current Judge Kavanaugh, and I won’t soon forget that.” You can bet he’d rather take on someone else than that “mean woman.”

It’s more than fair to talk about Harris’ electability. She deserves to be scrutinized, just like anyone else whose name is floated as a possible candidate if Biden drops out of the race. But to simply assume she’s not the right candidate without a deeper exploration of her strengths and weaknesses is unfair to someone as successful as Harris.

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This story originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times.

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