Home Politics “You support Hamas, right?”

“You support Hamas, right?”

“You support Hamas, right?”

WASHINGTON — Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) baselessly accused an Arab-American witness of supporting terrorists during a Senate hearing Tuesday, and when she denounced his blatant Islamophobia, the Republican senator told her to “put her head in a bag.”

Kennedy lashed out at Maya Berry, director of the Arab American Institute, an independent organization national civil rights organization, during her testimony before a The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing focused on curbing hate crimes. Berry was the only Muslim witness at the hearing.

“You support Hamas, right?” Kennedy Berry asked abruptlyreferring to the terrorist group behind the October 7 attacks on southern Israel. His question prompted audible gasps from the audience.

“Senator, oddly enough, I’m going to thank you for that question, because it illustrates the purpose of our hearing today,” Berry responded. “Hamas is a foreign terrorist organization that I do not support. But by asking the executive director of the Arab American Institute that question, you’re highlighting the issue of hate in our country.”

Several people in the audience clapped after she spoke.

Kennedy, however, continued in the same vein, asking her whether she supports Hezbollah, an Islamist political party and paramilitary group that has also been designated a terrorist organization.

“Again, I find this series of questions extremely disappointing, Senator,” Berry began to respond as Kennedy drowned her out and demanded that she answer yes or no.

“The answer is I do not support violence, whether it is Hezbollah, Hamas or any other entity that calls for it,” she said finally. “So no, sir.”

“You can’t bring yourself to say no, can you?” Kennedy replied, even after she said no.

The GOP senator continued, raising his voice and asking Berry if she supported Iran and talking over her as she tried to answer his questions. Someone started shouting in the audience as Kennedy continued to speak.

“I find it extremely disappointing that you would stand before an Arab-American witness and say, ‘You support Hamas,’” Berry said, repeatedly denying his claims that she supports terrorist groups.

“You should put your head in a bag,” Kennedy finally said, prompting loud gasps from some in the audience.

Here’s a video clip of the Republican senator’s insulting questions:



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