Home Top Stories Blue Star Families Receive Free Bikes from Patriots at Training Camp

Blue Star Families Receive Free Bikes from Patriots at Training Camp

Blue Star Families Receive Free Bikes from Patriots at Training Camp

FOXBORO — Blue Star Families can have stressful lives with loved ones serving in the military and possibly overseas. On Friday, Patriots players made a group of Blue Star Families feel right at home with a front-row seat to training camp and a special two-wheeler gift delivered by the team.

“We have three girls now and have traveled a lot,” said Sherelle Albahari, who admits being a Patriots fan in other states isn’t easy. “And not all of the military friends we meet have appreciated that, but we’ve made it work.”

Here in Massachusetts, there is no military base for Sherelles husband, Sam Albahari. There is no community that truly understands what they are going through.

“The Blue Star Families really give us the opportunity here,” said Albahari.

“Good to be home again”

The Albaharis and other Blue Star Families had a special place at the Patriots training camp with other military families. Lt. Col. Roy Minton flew in from military duty to Foxborough the day before departure.

“It’s great to be back home with my family and enjoying all that America has to offer,” said Lt. Col. Minton.

“It’s quite a journey to come back to the day you come home,” Patriots long-shot and Marine Corps officer Joe Cardona said during a conversation with Lt. Col. Minton.

Before his last deployment, Lt. Col. Minton was on the USS Mount Whitney working on contingency plans for the evacuation of civilians from the Middle East. Needless to say, football was rarely at the top of the list.

New England Patriots players gave away bicycles to children of military families during a training camp.

CBS Boston

“We had very limited opportunities to really get media,” he said. “I watched a little bit of football. I’m more of a runner than a footballer, to be honest.”

It is precisely by being away that a day spent with his son Grayson becomes a special moment.

“I feel great having him home,” Grayson said. “I usually take him for walks and play with him.”

Patriots Bike Giveaway

Grayson knew he would be spending the day with his dad. What he didn’t know was that he and all the kids at practice didn’t just get a front row seat to practice — they got new bikes from the team. The players rode the bikes to the kids, signed autographs, and talked to the families.

“Grayson, you look like you know what you’re doing, man,” Patriots cornerback Azizi Hearn said. “I didn’t even have to coach you!”



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