Home Top Stories Pro-Palestinian demonstrators shout at Germany’s top diplomat at the forum

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators shout at Germany’s top diplomat at the forum

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators shout at Germany’s top diplomat at the forum

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators angry about the German government’s handling of Israel’s war in Gaza disrupted a citizens’ forum with the German foreign minister on Sunday.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock took part in a discussion entitled “Stormy times – how foreign policy ensures the security of our democracy” as part of a weekend of events to commemorate the adoption of the German Constitution, known as the Basic Law, 75 years ago. to celebrate.

Several demonstrators in the theater began shouting at Baerbock, accusing the German government of unilateralism in the war and demanding that Berlin stop arms deliveries to Israel. Some held banners reading “Stop the Genocide.”

Baerbock initially reacted calmly, saying Germany was working to ensure that both Israelis and Palestinians could live in peace.

But she became clearly frustrated as the commotion in the theater increased. “There are no threats here!” she shouted at one participant.

A protester who identified himself as an “anti-Zionist Jew” said that when it came to the war, freedom of speech was being restricted in Germany. With Germany’s help, she said, Gaza was reduced to “rubble and ash.”

At least eight participants were forced out of the room by dpa’s count. In some cases there were scuffles and physical altercations with security personnel.

Baerbock asked security not to use force against the demonstrators. Meanwhile, large parts of the rest of the crowd responded to the protest with loud cheers.



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