Home Politics The Republican National Committee is preparing for a convention that Trump is...

The Republican National Committee is preparing for a convention that Trump is barred from attending

The Republican National Committee is preparing for a convention that Trump is barred from attending

Donald Trump is preparing for a scenario in which he cannot attend the Republican National Convention, a decision influenced in part by the possibility that he could be sentenced to house arrest following his historic conviction late last month.

Preparations are underway at both Mar-a-Lago, his Florida home, and Milwaukee, the host city for next month’s convention, should Trump choose to appear from afar or be unable to attend, two sources familiar said. with the planning.

“The campaign, in partnership with the RNC, is planning an exciting convention program that will showcase the party and officially appoint President Trump,” senior adviser Brian Hughes said in a statement to NBC News. “President Trump will be an active part of this official event and the celebration of our path to victory in November.”

After this article published Thursday, Hughes sent an additional statement, saying, “At no time did the planning of the convention entail any option other than for President Trump to personally accept his formal nomination for president.”

A New York jury found Trump guilty of 34 counts of falsifying corporate records related to a hush money payment to an adult film star during the 2016 campaign. His sentencing is set for July 11, just four days before the Republican convention. He faces a fine, probation or up to four years in prison per charge; Legal experts have mixed opinions on the sentence he is likely to receive, but house arrest remains an option.

Trump has said he is “OK” with the idea that he could face jail time or house arrest.

In the event of possible house arrest, the Republican National Committee is already setting up a convention theme at Mar-a-Lago, along with a large screen at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, where most of the convention activities will take place.

“If you look at what’s been released about the stage at our convention, it’s going to be the most advanced stage ever,” said a Republican aide who has visited the convention site. “It will allow the campaign to project people who don’t live in Milwaukee into the audience.”

“This will give President Trump the opportunity to participate in more days of the convention if he chooses,” the person continued.

The RNC has made the stage structure a focus, with chairman Michael Whatley calling it “the centerpiece of a world-class production and historic experience” during a press conference.

“Synthesizing technological innovation and artistic vision, our dynamic stage design will be the centerpiece of a historic Republican National Convention,” Whatley said in a press release last week.

The Republican operative who viewed the convention grounds said the idea of ​​Trump being under house arrest was not discussed during tours in Milwaukee and that people were told there was a chance Trump could simply choose to attend convention-related events from Mar -a-Lago. .

However, a Trump campaign official confirmed to NBC News that the idea that he could be under house arrest because of the convention is part of the planning process.

Asked for comment, Hughes said: “As with any convention, there are parts that involve the nominee outside the convention hall and inside the convention hall. This convention will undoubtedly include these components for President Trump.”

Trump has repeatedly said he will wait until next month to announce his vice presidential running mate, and said last week he plans to do so at the convention. His campaign declined to comment on how the remoteness of some or all major events would affect the timing and scheduling of that announcement.

Although Trump will be sentenced the week before the convention, legal experts told NBC News he will likely request a stay of the sentence while he appeals. If the appellate judge or appellate judge grants the request, Trump would most likely continue to move freely, just as he did while awaiting trial.

If the ruling affects his ability to attend the convention, he would be the first major party nominee in recent history not to attend the party’s convention, an event in which the candidate formally accepts the nomination and makes a accompanying speech.

“Friends, delegates, and fellow Americans, I humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for president of the United States,” Trump said at the opening of his 2016 speech in Cleveland.

Trump also gave an in-person speech in 2020 at an abbreviated Republican convention in Jacksonville, Florida, a gathering that convened after Republicans pushed for an in-person convention during the pandemic. The convention was originally scheduled to take place in North Carolina, but was moved after Roy Cooper, the Democratic governor, refused to allow a fully attended convention.

This article was originally published on NBCNews.com



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