1. Lake Effect snow watches are up Wednesday through Sunday, as seen in the first image and as you’ve probably heard. Here’s an update…
2. Whatever the eventual accumulations during that time, the cold, arctic air will remain with us until at least mid-January
3. While it’s too early to say amounts, we can at least break it down to what’s likely to happen on New Year’s Day itself when this all starts. The graph shows that approximately 3-5″ quantities are possible on that day.
4. After that muddy wet snow on Wednesday it’s pure lake effect and you know it all depends on the wind direction. At this early point it appears that the higher elevations of the snowbelts are more favored this time, as opposed to the lakeshore. But those details still need to be worked out, because that’s still 3 to 6 days away.
Anyway, winter will be here for a while and we will have to deal with snowy and slippery roads, but also temperatures. won’t get above freezing if they get below it sometime Wednesday or Wednesday evening for at least a few weeks. Stay tuned for more details as they become available
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