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GOOD NEWS: Odessa Study Club

GOOD NEWS: Odessa Study Club

May 25 – The Odessa Study Club recently held a luncheon and installation of officers at the home of Margaret Jones, hostess, along with the Hospitality Committee. Members brought salads and desserts for the event. Outgoing President Carolyn Tripp presented the outgoing officers with a sweet thank you note and a cute bag that read, “These are some of my favorite things,” including Hershey Kisses. Members of the Club expressed their sincere thanks to Carolyn Tripp for her leadership as president.

New officers were installed and presented with candy bars related to the new officers’ positions.

— Dean Boyd, treasurer, received a “Pay Day” bar

– Terrie Echols, Corresponding Secretary, a “Symphony” bar

– Dana Ashton, Recording Secretary, a “What You Call It” bar

— Tammy Hawkins, Vice President/Program Chair, Peanut M&M’s

– Pam Earnest, historian/reporter, a “Mounds” bar

– Alyssa Goates, President, A “Milky Way” Bar

– Carolyn Tripp, parliamentarian, bar “Crunch”.

– All members, “3 Musketeer” bars

The year ended with registration for hostesses, committees and Meals On Wheels deliveries for the 2024-2025 season. A $200 donation was also made to the Crisis Center of West Texas. The Odessa Study Club enjoyed meetings from September 2023 to May 2024 with the theme “A Few of My Favorite Things.”



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